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Alzar trembled violently, every inch of his skin on fire. He was fighting to breathe, watching Fancy through spotty vision.

“You want me to- to...to…” he whispered, “I'm going to destroy the Earth.”

Fancy smiled.

He clasped his mouth with grimy fingers, chest heaving as he choked out a miserable cry. The sweat on his back felt like acid, the sudden pain surging through his body only stoking his panic.

Fancy knelt by him, holding out a hand and stroking his arm. Alzar gasped at her touch, the contact feeling like nails being driven into his flesh. He stiffened, frozen in terror but his skin seemingly vibrating.

The sweat soaking his arm suddenly thickened into mucus, causing Fancy to recoil. She wiped her fingers on her dress, taking a step back.

“Don't fret, Alzar. This will all be over soon,” she cooed.

The slime on his skin retreated, leaving him winded. Regardless, he stood, facing Fancy with wide eyes. Around him, the ground trembled,  the sallow, bone-like tips of his spines emerging from the dirt.

“I won't do it,” he spat, clenching his fist.

Fancy’s expression hadn't changed. “The transformation has already begun, Alzar. There's no going back.”

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