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Heavy rain made the earth slick as she darted through the forest, bare feet sinking into the fresh mud. Above her, a storm raged, lightning soaking her surroundings a blinding white.

"I won't let you escape, wretch!"

The earth shook as the creature roared, a deafening noise that rivaled thunder. Yellow eyes flashed within the trees, a twisted, monstrous figure barreling through the brush behind her. She could feel its hot breath on her neck, froth falling from its maw.

She clutched tighter the bundle that lay against her chest. Her baby gurgled, its lip trembling in fear. The wet sheen of afterbirth still clung to the infant's forehead, its skin still discolored. It pawed at her breast, a shaky cry in the back of its throat.

Her belly was still swollen, pain radiating from her stomach to her groin with every bound. Air rattled in her chest as she drove herself forward. She was exhausted, but she had no choice.

A stray branch wrapped around her foot, twisting her ankle and slinging her into the mud.

She struggled to rise, her back hitting a large stone. With a quick glance behind her, her fears were confirmed: the beast had cornered her.

She pressed her baby's head into the crook of her neck, resting her lips on its wrinkled head.

Cloven hooves dug into the ground as the beast approached her, branches snapping and trees collapsing under its massive bulk. Rancid, humid breath splashed on her face.

She clenched her eyes shut and prepared herself.

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