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The sky was stained scarlet, rusted clouds on a sea of blood. A heavy, sticky mist hung in the air, visible on the horizon.

Sariel’s heart pounded against his ribs as he tore through the trees, Judas on his heels. The earth was uneven, broken by large spines that appeared every few miles. They only became progressively larger.

His mind was racing. Why did he care if Alzar had been at that site? Why did it matter to him?

“My Lord,” Judas murmured, “May I ask a question?”

Sariel nodded, keeping his expression neutral.

“How did it feel when the World Eater forced you to live as a human? I only lived amongst them- I couldn't imagine actually being one. It must have been terrible.”

“It was,” Sariel rasped almost instinctively. Something in his head told him he was lying.

He saw himself curled on the couch, Alzar leaning on his arm. Reading him a bedtime story as a child. Eating dinner at the messy table in the kitchen.

He swallowed with unease, pushing away those thoughts. He was a divine, timeless being.

But why did he feel so human?

Judas stopped dead in his tracks, twisting his head up. “What...what is that?”

The clouds above them had climaxed to a storm, twisting into a cyclone. Tendrils of cloud reached down from the eye, like slim, blood soaked fingers.

Sariel clenched his fist, feeling the sweat on his neck.

“We've found the Mother.”

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