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Alzar locked his bedroom door, cradling the corpse of his pet in his lap. He sat on the floor, panic rising in his chest. He wouldn't rouse, no matter how hard he shook the snake’s body.

“Cephas,” Alzar croaked, bringing him closer to his face, “Cephas, wake up.”

Cold scales touched his arm, the coldness sinking deeper into his stomach, freezing his gut. Suddenly, the tears stopped.

What did it even matter?

Numb, Alzar forced himself to stand, placing Cephas back in his tank, nestled on a rock. It was like nothing had ever happened.

He glanced at his clock, swallowing down another sob. It was almost seven o’clock. He had to get ready.

Prom was the only thing he could bring himself to look forward to. He had to make it great.

Alzar slipped on an Underarmor shirt, the tight, black fabric covering his picking sores. He stared at the suit Andrea had gotten him, his cheeks turning dark red.

This is going to be fun, he reminded himself. He could still hear the other boys laughing.

Laughing at him.

He couldn't trust any of those kids. Andrea was the only safe person in his class. Everyone else, they were…

Alzar shook his head, fear burning in his chest. He adjusted the collar of the suit jacket, suddenly overwhelmed.

Kneeling by his bed, a flash of nylon caught his eye. Sariel’s gun.

His hands reached for the gun, letting his fingers settle over the black frame. It was heavy in his palms, its weight lending Alzar a shred of security he desperately needed.

He remembered Fancy’s words. They were plotting against him. He had to protect himself, just in case.

He had to make sure he was going to have a good time.

“Al?” It was Sariel. “Al, are you ready yet?”

He stuffed the gun inside his inner pockets. “I'm ready.”

Wordlessly, he passed by Sariel, unwilling to converse. His head was spinning too much for that.

Outside, storm clouds gathered overhead, casting the yard in a haze. Alzar paused by the door, picking several yellow flowers and placing them in a makeshift bouquet.

He wanted Andrea to have the best.


“Now, Al, I'm probably gonna be in the bed by the time you get finished here,” Sariel explained, bringing the car to a stop, “So just call me. I'll have my cellphone turned up.”

Sariel placed his hand on Alzar’s, smiling softly. “So just have fun tonight, alright? Take as long as you want.”

Alzar frowned, staring down at the slowly withering flowers in his lap. He slowly nodded, stepping out of the car and stumbling into the gymnasium.

A foul smell hit his nose as he opened the doors, making his face scrunch. Of course, this place practically had sweat built into the walls. He paused. It didn't smell like sweat. It smelled like…

A hand suddenly appeared on his shoulder. Fancy squeezed his shoulder, grinning.

“Good evening, Alzar. I was hoping you would come.”

“Oh, Miss Fancy, you're here too,” Alzar replied, blinking.

“I'm a chaperone,” she explained, “But I believe you have another woman vying for your attention.” Fancy nodded her head to her left, winking at Alzar.

“Oh, Alzar, over here!” Andrea called, waving at him from beside the punch bowl. A group of students stood around her, a boy and three girls.

Alzar began to tremble, a bright blush on his cheeks. He stumbled through the crowd, avoiding the foreign eyes.

Andrea was bathed in pinkish-red light, the sequins on her tight blue dress dancing like stars. Her wiry hair was pulled into an elegant braid, dark skin adorned with vivid makeup.

“I, uh, brought you flowers,” Alzar said, stiffly handing her the crumpled flowers, “They're yellow. I thought you liked yellow.”

Andrea took the flowers, her grin wide, as if she was holding back a laugh. “You're so sweet, Alzar.”

And then she dropped them to the ground.

“Wha-” Alzar didn't get a chance to speak.

Andrea, as if she had practiced, whipped on her heels, grabbing the boy beside her in a heated kiss. Keeping eye contact with Alzar, he kissed her back, grabbing Andrea’s waist.

The room turned deadly silent, blood roaring in Alzar’s ears.

“What's going on?” Alzar cried, the sweat on his palms freezing.

Andrea pulled away, wiping her lips. “Aw, he's crazy and stupid.”

He stumbled back, breath turning ragged.

“It was a joke, Alzar,” Andrea said flippantly, “You ask out the weirdest boy at school and then reveal your real date.”

Alzar heard laughter erupt from all sides, his stomach turning somersaults. He gritted his teeth, barely managing to avoid vomiting all over himself.

Dead eyes, all around him. Twisted faces. Contorted movements. Monsters.

They had all been against him, since the beginning.

Alzar’s fingers crept inside his jacket, willed by a burning force in his head. He pulled the gun out, aiming it between Andrea’s eyes.

“You were one of them,” Alzar sobbed, sweat pouring down his face, “You always were. I knew I couldn't trust you. She told me I couldn't.”

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