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“YOU…” SARIEL WHISPERED, JUMPING UP. He snatched Judas by the arm, pulling him close. He was shaking, bloodshot eyes wrought with desperation.

“The guidance counsellor, Fancy Hastur, I need to talk to her, now. I need her phone number, something, anything!”

Whatever was going on with Alzar, she would know. Once Alzar had started seeing her, his emotional state only seemed to get worse. If anyone would know what happened that night, it would be Miss Hastur. He needed anything that would give him any insight on what was going through Alzar’s mind.

Judas stared down at Sariel’s white knuckles with cold eyes. “She hasn't been at work since the accident.”

“What do you mean?”

“I meant exactly what I said. Miss Fancy never returned after prom. Then again, a couple other teachers haven't either,” Judas lowered his brow, the corners of his mouth rising in amusement. “I suppose she's in mourning.”

Judas pulled his arm free of Sariel’s grip, dusting off his hoodie. There was still a tear in the fabric. Was he wearing it to mock him?

Judas spun on his heels, twisting his neck around to glance over his shoulder. He locked eyes with Sariel, a sparkle of contempt in his expression.

“By the way, Sariel, I suggest that you keep your nose out of all of this, if you know what's good for you.”

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