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He was shuddering, unable to move from his position on the ground. His hair stood on edge, matted bangs falling over his face.

He could feel it. It drifted closer, weightless but dense with power.

Alzar hugged his chest, feeling something shift from within the earth. The ground seemed to seize, jerking to match Alzar’s own muscles.

A figure emerged from the trees. Alzar’s entire body froze.

“Sariel,” he whispered, eyes wide.

It was a face he never thought he would see again. Sariel stood before him, staring at him in utter despair. He didn't approach Alzar, sinking to his knees as Fancy and another boy came into view.

“Sariel,” Fancy murmured, holding her hands behind her back, “Did you miss your little cuckoo egg?”

“Sariel,” Alzar repeated, hot tears running down his cheeks, carving through dried blood and dirt, “Uncle!”

Alzar threw himself in his arms, holding himself tight against Sariel’s chest. Sariel was warm, the kind of warmth Alzar hadn't felt in so long.

Sariel cradled his head, gently pressing his lips to his forehead. Alzar was bawling like a child, all his defenses down as he clung to his shirt.

The boy stepped forward. Alzar’s heart skipped a beat as he recognized him as Judas. “My Lord, what are you doing? That thing will destroy the world, your world! Now is our chance- kill it!”

“What is he talking about?” Alzar said, shaking violently, “What's happening?”

Sariel’s arm slid down his back, falling limp against his side. The absence of his touch was a sudden chill.

“Kill it now!” Judas screamed.

“Sariel, I'm scared,” Alzar whimpered, digging his nails into Sariel’s arm, “Please, look at me. Say something.”

He caught a glimpse of Sariel’s expression.

He was conflicted.

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