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“ALZAR, RUN! Run for your life, please!” Sariel screamed, pulling Alzar to his feet. Time seemed to slow as they locked eyes. Sariel shoved him with desperation, hard enough to break him from his stupor. Cold sweat ran down his neck as he watched Alzar disappear into the trees.

Judas’s eyes burned with rage. “You've doomed the Earth.”

The World Eater staggered on her feet, rib cage visible through a mess of scorched flesh. She smiled, letting her head roll back. “Ah, so this is how you wish it to be, Sariel.” Her fingers hovered over her chest, something dark swimming within her torso, “I've had enough fun in this little outfit. I believe it's time for me to be serious.”

Her host’s eyes grew dull, lifeless as it crumpled into a heap. In death, it retained an almost human element, no longer inhabited by a beast.

A wave of rust washed over the sky, bathing the earth in scarlet light. The stars seemed to flicker, twitching as they expanded, the mere pinpricks of light now opening into millions of eyeballs.

The sky was a seizing mass of flesh, tentacles as massive as skyscrapers ridden with eyeballs thrashing above their heads. The World Eater was breathtakingly massive, stretching over the horizon.

No, Sariel realized, she was the horizon.

Judas fell forward, hitting his knees as he craned his neck to the sky. “You had the chance to kill it, Sariel. You could have ended it, but now you've drawn the Mother to her full power.”

Sariel’s heart pounded in his ears, unable to face Judas.

He knew Judas was right.

He knew he should have killed Alzar.

He knew that was the only way he could have stopped this.

But he couldn't.

And now he had to fight.

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