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Alzar couldn't keep his eyes pinned to his homework, veering away every two seconds to confirm the boys that had terrorized him in the locker room were still staring at him.

Stomach churning, Alzar couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Something about their faces, their eyes, seemed unnatural. It was a raw, unexplainable feeling, and Alzar found himself terrified.

He forced himself to stare at the clock. First period would be starting soon, and he could retreat to Fancy’s room for his usual session.

Though the idea of counseling was still unsavory, Alzar didn't feel as uncomfortable as he did the first time he had entered her office. He was almost looking forward to being able to talk about himself once again.

The bell rung, and Alzar flinched, immediately jumping out of his seat and darting down the hall. He kept his head down, avoiding the judgemental eyes in the hall.

“Alzar, I would like to get straight into our session. You described to me some concerning symptoms on our first appointment, so I would like to know more about what you are going through,” Fancy murmured, shuffling shuffling stack of papers on her desk and placing them in a drawer.

Alzar instantly regretted ever telling her about Abaddon. “What do you wanna know?” he growled, voice strained.

“These ‘blackouts’ you have...you said you feel like you've been possessed. Do you feel that this is a radical change in your emotional state, or a separate entity entirely?”

“He's a separate entity,” Alzar replied immediately.

“‘He?’ Do you consider this being a boy?”

“I don't consider him a guy...Abaddon just is a man. An older man, it feels like.”

“Abaddon? Did you name him? Or is he connected to something in your past, like a television character or a relative?”

Alzar shook his head. “No, that's what my uncle said he called himself. I've never heard the name before that.” Alzar wrung his hands miserably, his cheeks hot. He avoided Fancy’s quizzical eyes, shame keeping his head directed at the floor.

“Does this Abaddon...frighten you? Has he ever harmed you?”

“He protects me,” Alzar said, dark green eyes burning through a mop of messy hair.

Fancy nodded, solemnly writing on a notepad. “Thank you for answering my questions. Is there anything else bothering you, Alzar?

Alzar twirled one of Fancy’s pens between his fingers. “I felt like these guys were staring at me this morning. It was weird. Something was different about them.”

“Something could have been different, Alzar. The world is a very strange place.”

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