Sports hurt (Harry)

Start from the beginning

Louis giggled a little and dried his tears.

"Now smile boo bear." Harry said.

Louis smiled and started the engine. He drove as carefull as he could.

A little while later they were in the waiting room of the hospital.

"Mr. Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson?" a doctor asked.

"That's us." Louis said.

They followed the doctor through a long hallway. Then they entered the examination room. 

"So, Mr. Styles, can you explain me what happened please?" the doctor asked gently.

"We were playing football and I tried to kick the ball but instead of hitting it, I kinda tripped over it and I fell on my shoulder. And it feels like it's popped out of place." Harry explained, making painful faces.

"That shoulder sure is dislocated Mr. Styles, no doubt about that. But to make sure nothing else is damaged, I'm going to take some x-rays. I'm telling you, it's not going to feel good." the doctor said.

The doctor moved Harry a little so he could take the x-rays. Harry screamed out in pain again and cried some more. Louis was rubbing circles in his love's hair.

"I know it's painful Mr. Styles. Let's take a look at the x-rays..." the doctor said.

She hang the x-rays in front of the light and took a look at them.

"You've been lucky. Nothing else is damaged, but it's gonna be painful for a while. What is going to follow now is gonna be really painful. I'm going to put your shoulder back in place by pulling your arm. But first I'm going to give you a shot, against infections. Mr. Tomlinson, if you could lower Mr. Styles' pants please." the doctor asked.

"Uh... sure." Louis answered.

"Why in my bum?" Harry asked.

"Because it will be more effective." the doctor answered, simply.

The doctor cleaned the area and put the needle in Harry's butt cheeck, injected the fluid and pulled the needle out. She cleaned the area once more and put a band aid on his bum (one of those teddy bear ones, of course). Harry wasn't happy about it, but for some reason Louis found it really funny and started laughing like hell.

"Hahahahahaha" Louis laughed.

"What's so funny Lou? Because I can assure you, it wasn't a funny feeling at all." Harry said.

"I'm so sorry love,  I'm just laughing about the fact that you have a whole bunch of teddy bears on your ass." Louis giggled.

"Oh." was all Harry could bring out. He really wanted to laugh about it too, but he knew it would hurt. 

"Okay Mr. Styles. Here comes the worst part. I'm gonna grab your arm and pull it back into place. Okay, 1, 2, 3!" the doctor counted and pulled Harry's arm. Harry screamed out loud and they could hear a loud cracking noise.

Harry's shoulder was back into place. The doctor had put Harry's arm in a sling. He had to rest it good for the next two weeks. 

After a while they got home and Harry and Louis sat themselves down on the couch.

"Are you okay now babe?" Louis asked.

"It still hurts..." Harry said.

"Yeah, your shoulder will be painfull for a little while." Louis said.

"I'm not talking about my shoulder! I'm talking about my bum! That was painfull too!" Harry said.

"Aw... want me to rub it?" Louis asked.

"I normally would love it, but that means I have to get up again and my shoulder hurts too much to stand up." Harry said.

"Aw... I feel so sorry for you. I wish I could do something to make it feel better." Louis said.

"But you are doing something..." Harry said.

"What am I doing then?" Louis asked a bit confused.

"Just being here. That's the best medicine there is boo bear." Harry said and kissed Louis.

"Aw... thanks Haz. Love you."

"Love you too boo bear." Harry replied and kissed Louis again.

That night they ordered some pizza, since Harry couldn't use his arm and Louis wasn't the best cook in the world. 

Louis was the best nurse there was according to Harry. Two weeks later, Harry's shoulder was better. And the teddy bears.. well, they had dissapeared as well.

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