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"Court rise" The clerk yelled.

"Remain standing as the honourable Judge Raphael Jones takes his seat." He concluded. Judge Jones took his seat and everyone did too.

Mr. Hills was in handcuffs sitting on the defense bench. He had a smile on his face. Since his arrest a week ago he has been a happy man. He looked over at the audience in the room. He saw his wife Esperanza. She was looking as beautiful as always. His daughter Stacy sat beside her. Stacy locked eyes with her dad and smiled. Mr. Hills felt a warm feeling grow in his heart. The smile that Stacy gave him was that of love, he knew it.

Next to Stacy was Nicki. Mr. Hills observed her. There seemed to be an air of regret on her face. He wished he could shout to her not to worry about him. Not to regret what she did. But most of all to tell her that
he loved her and that he was sorry. Nicki was the one that gave the cops the evidence which they were here to prosecute him with. Mr. Hills wondered how she got hold of the said recordings. Nicki was also about to tell him then in the mausoleum that Detective Wafi was his son Jason. Because she was wearing the device made by Mr. Woods, the bullets he shot at the Detective Wafi got absorbed by the device. Thanks to Nicki his son was still alive. He owed her a lot.

The judge read out the case and the prosecuting council wasted no time in starting his case.

This was the second time Mr. Hills had been on trial. In his first trial he was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. He was however released after just seven years.

He still remembered that day. He was sitting in his prison cell when a guard came and asked for him. The guard led him into the Warden's office. Without looking up from his table the warden said to Mr. Hills "You are free to go. You have been released".

Before Mr. Hills could process the information, the guard led him out of the warden's office. His handcuffs were taken off. He was asked to take a bath then his clothes were given to him. Two guards led him out of the prison gate. A black Cadillac SUV was parked there. A man came out of the driver's seat and opened the backseat door for Mr. Hills. He got in and the driver left.

One hour later, they were in the city. Mr. Hills juggled a lot of thoughts in his mind as to what was happening but he couldn't conclude on one.
The driver pulled to a stop at the Central Park. He got out the car and opened the door for Mr. Hills. He handed Mr. Hills a phone got into the car and drove off.

A beep came from the phone, Mr. Hills looked at it, it was a message. He opened the message it read

"You are welcome".

He tried to dial the number from which the text came but it wouldn't connect. He had the phone with him since then and never got a text again until the day he was attacked by the Firellos.

"I call in the arresting officer, Detective Wafi to the witness box."
The prosecuting Council said.

Detective Wafi walked to the witness box. Mr. Hills looked at him and felt pride fill his heart. This was his son. This was his Jason. The boy who he thought he lost years ago. He gazed at Esperanza and saw the tears brimming in her eyes. For once in a very long time, they were tears of Joy. Maybe it was a good thing that he lost the boy. He may have turned out to be a drug dealer like him.

Mr. Hills smiled at Detective Wafi. Now his family was truly complete. They have even spent time together a couple of times while he was still in police custody. Esperanza, Stacy and Wafi had all come to visit him. There was Joy in his heart. The joy of a man with a family.

Detective Wafi was made to take the oath that every evidence he would testify in court would be the truth and nothing but the truth. Detective Wafi took the oath and the prosecuting council proceeded in examining Detective Wafi. He was asked to explain how the investigation was carried out. He did as asked sparing no details.

The defence council took to the floor and did a cross examination on Wafi hoping to poke holes in the investigation process and the gathering of evidence. After series of other witnesses have been called to the stand, examined and cross examined it was starting to look like the judge would stand with Mr. Hills and dismiss the case.

The prosecuting council had one more witness to call. Cinn was called to the witness box. He took the oath and the prosecuting council began his examination.

"State your full name for the interest of the court"

Cinn smiled.

"My name is Cinn Vino Belluci. I am the son of Don Alvarez Belluci".

The whole court echoed surprise.

There were shouts of surprise from most people in the courtroom.

Detective Wafi was surprised too. This meant that he never actually knew his friend Cinn. Even the judge wore a surprised expression on his face.

Mr. Hills was more shocked than surprised. He was angry to hear that name.

Everyone knew who Don Alvarez was. He was a well-respected man in the society. A philanthropist and a man of the people. Many people in the courtroom had benefited in one way or the other from the kindness of Don Alvarez. Hospitals and even the Central Park were works of the Don. Some mothers in the courtroom had named their sons after the Don. He was the kind of man they wanted their sons to grow up to be. They never actually saw the face of Don Alvarez but they know what he looked like. They also never knew that the Don had a son or that this party monster called Cinn would be anywhere related to the Don.

"Objection my lord" yelled the defence council.

"Objection on what grounds council?" The judge asked.

"My lord it was not relevant for the witness to mention that he has a relationship with Don Alvarez knowing who the Don was and what he meant to the people. This is a cheap trick by the prosecuting council to lean the jury in their favour"

Cinn spoke next." I am sorry but you are wrong. It is relevant to mention my father in this case because he is important to this case.

He faced the judge who was about to reprimand him for speaking out of turn.

"What many of you do not know is that the Himano gang was founded by my father Don Alvarez Belluci. And who better to explain things to you than the founder."

Cinn turned towards the courtroom's entrance door and said

"Dad, please come in"

In walked Don Alvarez Belluci 

                        THE END

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