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                     THE STORY

19th December 1994. 

Don Alvarez was everything bad. He had an intimidating personality and being the head of the Himano drug gang, that personality came in handy at all times.

The Himano gang was a very organized drug trafficking gang with up to 600 members. They bought and sold all sorts of contraband drugs and firearms. With ties to people in high places of the government, they had taken over the city of Jubal. They had the upper hand in any government decision. What they say will stand and what they are against will be jettisoned.

Don Alvarez was the man who made all these happen. He was a tall, huge and hairy man of about 61yrs old. Handsome in a rough way, with eyes that literally take out your heart and squeezes life out of it when you look at them. He ran the Himano gang with strict hands.

For the most part, all he requires is loyalty. He had a saying "Loyalty is what keeps you alive".

Don Alvarez had many at times authorized the murder of members of the gang whom he found guilty of disloyalty. Everyone in the gang knew that the boss was Don Alvarez but only 5 out of the 600 members knew who Don Alvarez was. These 5 men were those who were in charge of the seven regions that the gang had control of. They were the managers of each of the regions, and they reported to the Don directly. These 5 men were sworn to secrecy as to the identity of the Don. Anyone of them who lets someone else in on who Don Alvarez is would be killed and his family too. Don Alvarez had done it twice and he wouldn't hesitate to do it again. He was a private man, only appearing when he is seriously needed. To the people of Jubal, he was the quiet philanthropist.

He had two men who were his most trusted. Mr. Oscar Hills and Mr. Kennedy Woods. Don Alvarez had known these two for over twenty years. They both were present when they got the first ever consignment of drugs the gang ever had. And ever since, they all worked together to make sure the gang grew, and it did. To Don Alvarez, these two men were more like brothers to him. He knew them and trusted them.

Mr. Hills was a very quiet man, barely saying a word. He was an arithmetic wizard. He was good with numbers and could figure out a leak in the drug traffic and effectively make the required corrections.

He had once saved Don Alvarez 920million dollars that he would have lost if he agreed to an offer from a rival gang. Don Alvarez was so happy with Mr. Hills, he gave Mr. Hills control of three regions of the gang zone.

Mr. Woods on the other hand was a weapons expert. He was an ex- army General with so many medals to his name for ground battle. He was as playful as he was deadly. He was in charge of arms for the gang. He personally inspects any high quantity arms shipments made by the gang.

The members of the gang were very afraid of him because he could kill anyone in a heartbeat. Once, he was having dinner with seven members of a rival gang while discussing about a breach in a previous agreement and one of the members made a joke about Don Alvarez big belly, Mr. Woods pulled out his magnum pistol and shot him in the head. The other members pulled out their guns, but before they could shoot, Mr. Woods shot five of them in the head and stabbed the last person into the eye with a table fork.

This story was etched in the minds of all the gang members and it made them all to fear him.

As Don Alvarez sat in his specially built desk chair designed to accept his huge self and with a glass of scotch in his left hand, he went through what he just read.

The letter said "Beware of those closest to you. The quiet ones are the deadliest. One day, what is yours may become someone else's".

Don Alvarez could not fathom what this meant or who sent the letter. Is someone in his gang trying to take over the gang? Those closest to him, Mr. Hills or Mr. Woods? Mr. Hills was the quiet one, if he should judge by the letter. But he had known these men for years. He can trust them. But if anyone has the brains to run this gang, its Mr. Hills. He was the smart one. Don Alvarez was angry. He was never a person to trust anyone. He always checks and double checks, and when occasion demands, he triple checks.

There was no one he had an iota of trust for. He was always waiting for a a double cross or a back stab. Always expecting it and sometimes forging it himself. 

Don Alvarez sat up. He pressed a button on the phone on his desk. His secretary Miss Marylyn walked in. She bowed her head and stood by the desk. 

"You called sir"

"Marylyn, get the jet ready. Take all my calls. I am off to Jubal"

"Okay sir".

The Don is angry. You don't want the Don angry.

Thank you for reading.

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