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6th February, 2015. 


"Angel, you know I will do anything for you." Cinn said over the phone to his girlfriend, Nicki.

"So dont worry I will find a way." He continued.

As he dropped the call, he got up from his king-sized bed and staggered into the bathroom. It was 3pm. He should still be asleep by now. But his Nicki had decided to disturb his hangover sleep with a call. Cinn didn't like it, but he liked Nicki, so anything for Nicki.

She had asked that he uses his
influence to find out what the Deputy Police Chief was planning. Apparently someone's life is in danger. Cinn didn't like getting involved in anything police. Well, apart from his occasional driving under the influence of alcohol, getting arrested and being taking to jail, he didn't like going to the police station.

But judging by the number of times he had been arrested, one would think he loves jail. Maybe he did. Maybe he just wants something or someone to control him. Someone to help him be responsible. To cut his excesses.
Cinn thought about it. What did Nicki mean by observe the Deputy Police Chief. 
Well, if he wants to know what is happening in the station, he has to be in there. This meant he would be arrested again today.

Thirty minutes later, Cinn drove in his Bentley to one of his clubs. Unknown to many, he owned seven clubs in Phanta city. Three of his clubs were considered the best in the city. His favorite club was the one he named SIKRIT which he frequented a lot. It was no secret to anyone that knew him that whenever Cinn was being looked for, that was the club he would most likely be found in.

The club was always full all day. Rich kids with nothing to do with their lives but party, drug dealers, co- operate executives, bank CEOs, and business moguls made sure that the club was always full all day. 

As Cinn got into the crowded club, he loved what he saw. There was a lot of spending going on, and the party was banging. He walked to the VIP section where a few of his friends were already seated and joined them. They talked about everything and nothing in particular. Before Cinn noticed, he spent up to three hours in the club. He looked at his watch. It was 6:47pm. Cinn remembered he had made Nicky a promise.

He ordered for a bottle of the most expensive champagne. This he planned to drink just before leaving the club. When it was delivered on his table by a beautiful waitress in a sparkly gown, he was tempted to ask her to join him. Just as he was about to speak, he spotted a lady sitting at the bar. He didn't know why but he could swear that his heart skipped a beat then. He thought he should go talk to her.

He observed the lady. She was wearing a gown too short and too tight. Everything about her seemed to be over the top. Her ruffled hair looked too full for her tiny face. Her heels were too long and her lipstick was just too wet. Cinn looked at her with critical eyes.

He didn't know why, but a burning feeling for her began to grow deep inside him.

In that crowded club it seemed it was just the two of them. Although the music was too loud, he felt he could hear her heart beat from where he sat. He had to go talk to her.

He stood from his table and ambled confidently towards her, his bottle of wine in hand. He was about to sit beside the lady when his phone rang.

It was his dad. Cinn immediately turned and left the club. Getting a call from his dad was something that rarely happens. It scared him that something may have happened. Although he didn't have a good relationship with his dad, he still had a soft spot for him. On answering the call, it was the voice of his dad's nurse that he heard. 

"Miss Fiona, how are you?" Cinn said, trying hard not to show that he was scared.

"I am well Cinn. Your father requests your presence Fiona said calmly.

"That's alright. I hope everything is fine?"


"Okay. I am on my way."

Cinn dropped the call.  In minutes he was driving to go see his father. He hoped nothing has happened to his dad. He was the only family that Cinn had since his mum died when he was still a baby. His dad had been involved in an accident and had been bed ridden. Since then, Cinn feared for his dad's life. And with each passing day, both father and son grew apart. Cinn caught himself shedding a tear as he thought about the good times he had with his dad before his dads accident. 

He looked by the passengers seat and noticed that he had kept the bottle of wine on the seat. He grabbed it, popped it and drank. In two long gulps, he was getting intoxicated. He could barely see what was in front of him but he kept driving, increasing his pressure on the gas pedal.

He hadn't driven up to 3 miles when he heard a police siren wailing behind him. The officer told him to pull over. The next five minutes were a blur. He could remember driving to the side of the road and parking, but that was all.

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