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7th September, 1996.

Detective Frudo had watched Jason grow. He had driven the boy to the orphanage. He had visited a couple of times but he still felt he hadn't done enough for the boy. If only he could find the boy's parents. He had closed all information tagging the boy to the accident, stating only that the accident on that day involved a man and a boy and both were dead. Burnt to ashes. Anyone who questions would get that as an answer.

Detective Frudo had carried out secret investigations as to who the boy's parents were, but nothing came up. When he had demanded a finger print scan be done on the device it had shown no result. No prints were registered on the device.

Detective Frudo felt for the boy. He had promised to get him out of the orphanage and into a good home. It had been three years now since the boy joined the orphanage.

Detective Frudo had considered taken the boy home with him but his wife would not have it. She complains that he is barely at home. Always drowned in his work and not having time for his own children. Three of them. Now he wants to bring in another child and dump on her. Not going to happen.

Detective Frudo drove to the orphanage. He hadn't visited the boy in a long while. He had been out of town. The Jubal city police station had called him to help in an investigation. A man and his wife were shot dead in their home. No clue as to who the murderer was. Arrests have been made but none of them stuck.

Detective Frudo had been asked to re-open the case as new evidence had surfaced. Apparently, the case had been dropped by the Chief of Police in charge then. But the new Chief of police had re opened the case.

Detective Frudo had made some moves and he had high hopes that soon, the culprit will be found and charged to court.

He parked his car in the driveway and walked into the orphanage building.

He met with Miss Gina in her office. She was happy to see Detective Frudo. She wouldn't stop smiling. They both discussed about the boy.

"He is such a nice kid. Obedient and disciplined." said Miss Gina.

"Lately, he has been taking more leadership roles. He seemed to have gathered following" she continued.

"I am sure he would grow into a fine young man, just like you sir" She gave Detective Frudo a wide smile.

Miss Gina liked the Detective. She thought he was a nice, handsome man. She ignored the wedding ring on his finger. She was in her mid-thirties and would give anything to be admired by the detective, or any man for that matter.

Detective Frudo requested to see Jason. Miss Gina asked one of the maids to go get the boy.

Jason was so happy when he saw the Detective. It had been up-to four months that he saw the Detective last. He noticed that he looked a lot older than before. He remembered the first day that the detective brought him to the orphanage. That was 3yrs ago. The detective looked young then. Maybe because they hadn't seen each other in months. Detective Frudo gave him a hug. Jason sat down on a seat in the office and they both talked. Miss Gina left her office to give them privacy. She didn't want to go, she loved being around the detective. But she left.

Once she left, Jason became chatty. He told the Detective all the things that had happened since the last four months. His new friends, his discovered love for solving problems and curiosity linked adventures.

Detective Frudo watched him talk. He thought maybe Jason had grown to love the orphanage, or hopefully had learnt to endure it. After about 30mins the detective was ready to go. He told Jason he would be back soon to see him.

Detective Frudo drove away. He had a few stops to make. When done, he was to head back to Jubal City to continue with the investigation.

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