Chapter 52

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Belle arrived at the party where even Oliver Wood was intoxicated. She shuffled through different people until she found Fred and George hiding Lee who had a flask in his hand, clearly spiking the drinks with alcohol. She should have known. The girl was visibly uncomfortable as people danced around her. She had crossed her arms over her body and dodged different people trying to fight her way through to the twins and Lee. When she was finally there she let Fred engulf her in his arms. Music was blaring and Fred started to sway, trying to get Belle to dance. She didn't move at all, instead kept her arms crossed with Fred's around her body. 

he leaned his lips close to her ears, "Don't you want to dance?" He asked her and she shook her head. "Come on! Please, Bella?"

"No, Fred, I don't dance."

"I know you can." 

She shook her head again stubbornly and looked around, "Is this what a party is always like?" Fred nodded and led her over to a window seat, "This is weird."

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, "You don't like parties, of course, they'll be weird."

"I haven't been to one before because I don't like them. Fred, I have come for a little while, can I go now? You should be enjoying yourself and not over here with me being a wallflower." She said to, raising her voice so that he could hear her. 

"Nonsense, you are not leaving, just dance and let loose then maybe you'll enjoy yourself." He stood up and held his hand to her whilst jiggly on the spot to the rhythm of the music. Belle reluctantly took it and let him pull her up. He waved their hands and spun her around causing her to giggle and push the hair from her face. Fred smiled as she attempted to dance with him to the music she had never heard before, not the muggle music she was used too. He chuckled as he let go of her hand and she awkwardly jumped to the music, slightly resembling a penguin. "No, no, no, like this." He should her how to jump and not have her hands pinned to her side but it didn't work. She was utterly atrocious.

After a while, they took a break and headed towards the snacks and drinks. "I am not drinking alcohol." She stated as Fred reached for two cups. "No way in hell."

"Why not?" He pouted. 

"Because I am not. I don't want to." Fred nodded and poured her some butterbeer which he knew she would drink. He grabbed himself a firewhiskey and turned back to her. Before handing her drink to her, he tried it to make sure Lee hadn't spiked the butterbeer and once he was sure he hadn't he handed it to her. "Thank you." Fred smiled and sipped his drink the familiar burning feeling on the back of his throat. 

"All I am saying is you need dancing lessons." He commented as they sat down. 

Belle laughed, "I think I'm okay. I told you it's not my thing."

"Yeah, but I thought you'd at least know how to dance. Didn't your mum teach your or anything? I know my mum tried teaching us all."

Belle shook her head, "My mum and I never got on. We never did anything together. Even eating we would eat at different times."

It was then that Fred was glad that his teacher had been Belle's father. There was no denying that Remus was an amazing man and from the way that Belle seemed so very happy around him, Fred was happy too. He believed that Belle deserved the world, she may need a little help when it comes to school and intelligence but she was still great in his eyes. Fred had never felt this passionate about a girl before even despite being together for a short amount of time. 

"Are you going back to the children's home? In the summer that is?" 

Belle shrugged, "I think so. But dad he was saying something about my grandfather and how he wants dad and me to live with him even though he hasn't even met me. Do you think I should?"

"It's not my decision, only do what you want to do. So do you want to?"

"I do, Freddie, I really do, I want to spend as much time with my dad and eventually my grandfather. I don't think I have wanted anything as much as I do this. To be part of a real family. Yes, the children's home is described as a large family and despite my efforts, I still don't feel as if I am part of that family. They were one for so long and I don't want to push myself into it. I may see Enoch as a brother but that's because I spent so much time with him when I was there. Now that I am back at school, I have barely spent any time with any of them and it's not like they are pining to spend time with me either. 

And yes I see it as a home, and Hogwarts too. But does it sound selfish that I want a forever-home? Somewhere where I could go at any time, you can't go to Hogwarts in the summer holidays. And once we leave seventh year, it's not really that easily accessible to us, I know Dumbledore always says we can come back whenever but we can't really, can we? But with dad and my grandfather, I would be able to."

Fred smiled earning one in return, "Just follow your heart and if it leads you to something you don't want to, you can always turn back. The only thing stopping you is yourself. If you want something you try you damn hardest to get it, ask for it if need be. But know, that if you need anything, you always have me, and George, and Lee and even Lovegood. My mother would take you in in a heartbeat and she hasn't ven met you."

"Thank you, Fred."

"Anytime, Belle."

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