Chapter 10

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"BELLE!" A voice called after her as she pressed her book closer to her chest and sped up her pace. The library was her destination, and she was determined to get there without being disturbed by anyone, especially not one of the Weasley Twins or Lee. She already knew it was then who were following her and fortunately the odds were in her favour when crowds of students were travelling in the hall, she managed to lose herself within the students who were making their way back from lunch to continue with their Saturday activities.
Belle finally found herself in the wonders of the library and she opened the book she had in her hand and began to read as she walked to find somewhere to sit. "Ooh!" She squeaked as she bumped into someone, falling to the floor with a thud, her book landing next to her. "Sorry." She blushed picking herself up and dusting herself off.

"No worries. I was too not looking where I was going, I was looking for a book on crumple-horned snorkaks." And airy voice said as they handed her, her book back.

"Thank you and what are those, the crumple-horned snorkaks?" Belle asked as she walked with the girl.

"It is an elusive magical creature believed to live in Sweden." The girl replied, "my father told me about them. I am Luna Lovegood."

"Belle Florence." Belle replied.

"Yes, you have the lovely blue hair, quite extraordinary, I never heard of babies other than metamorphmagus' being born with hair colours such as yours."

"Thanks, I read about the metamorphmagus' and it too fascinated me, but I don't like the idea of my hair colour, yours however is amazing."

"Thank you. I get it from my dad." Luna explained, her long dirty blonde hair flowing down her back, tucked behind her ears revealing a set or radish earrings.

"Your dad is Xenophillius Lovegood, isn't he? He is the author of the Quibbler?"


"I love that magazine. I have a prescription for them."

Luna smiled and sat a nearby empty table, "you can join me if wish."

Belle nodded and sat beside the girl, indulging in a conversation about the creatures written about in the Quibbler.
It was rather strange, two outsiders finding their way to each other, and despite the age gap they quickly became friends. "Friends. I have never had one before." Luna said.

"Me neither." Belle replied.

"But what about the Weasley Twins? And the quidditch commentator?"

"They aren't my friends, they tricked me and I nearly got into trouble. It's best I stay clear from them."

"Well, I would love to be friends with you, if you feel the same way." Luna' eyes glistened as she waited for an answer.

"I would love to, Luna."

* * *
"Where'd she go?" Fred exclaimed as they finally got out of the mass of students.

"Well this is a girl who loves reading. Where do you think she'd be on a Saturday?" George rolled his eyes.

"The Ravenclaw common room?" Lee asked hopefully.

"No! The library!" George smacked him up the back of the head. Lee groaned rubbing where George had hit him before following the twins towards the library.

The slammed open the doors earning a warning look from Madam Prince before they searched the rows of books. "Belle?"they called.

Upon hearing the calls for the blue haired girl before her. Luna bid Belle goodbye and left the library, thus allowing the three Gryffindors to come across her when she began to read her book. "Look here boys, it's the girl whose been avoiding and ignoring us." George nodded sitting where Luna once sat, Fred siting the other side of her and Lee beside him.
She didn't reply.
"Are you seriously going to ignore us?" Lee asked.
No reply.
Fred grasped her book chucking it at George to catch; this made her look up at him in annoyance. "Why are you ignoring us?"
She rolled her eyes, standing up and snatching her book back from George before storming out of the library. George and Lee sighed, but Fred, yet again, ran after her. He followed her through the corridors until he caught up to her and pulled her into a corridor that was deserted. "Belle." He started but she shook her head. "Please listen."

"Why?" She snapped.

"Because I want you to."

"And I want you to leave me alone."

"Why are you mad?"Fred asked, holding onto her shoulders so that she looked at him and not elsewhere.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe because you all tricked me and I got caught. I waited for you all and I got caught when you did not turn up." She poked him in the chest.

"We went to sneak out but Filch caught us, we got detention, cleaning the trophies in the trophy room. We didn't mean for you to get caught. What was your punishment?"Fred exclaimed.

"Fortunately, Lupin caught me and let me off. Now I am leaving." She replied before leaving the boy once again. He grabbed her and turned her around, again.

"We'll do the prank tonight, we won't get caught."

"No. If I have learnt anything from you, is that I do not get into trouble. I don't pull pranks."


"No! Leave me alone."

"What?" Fred scoffed, "like you normally are, alone, you know what. I don't see why we bothered, we tried to be nice, we tried to be your friends but this is how you repay us?!"

"Tried to be nice!? You tried to be nice? You wouldn't know nice if it bit you in the arse and screamed 'I'm nice'! I nearly got detention because of you!" Belle cried, her arms flying everywhere.

"The word being NEARLY! Besides what's a detention going to do? Kill you?"

"Yes, yes it would!"

"You are such a Ravenclaw!"

"Wow! That is so offensive! Piss off Weasley." She spun on her wheel and stormed away.

This is why she stuck to having nobody. But Luna is not bad. In fact she probably will be a great first best friend.

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