Chapter 18

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Belle sat watching Enoch animate homunculi dolls and make them fight. He barely spoke and neither did she. Nobody really came to speak to either of them and Belle wasn't sure why. She hadn't voiced her thoughts but Enoch somehow answered it. "The others get creeped out sometimes with my peculiarity. "He said, concentrating on the thread he was sewing. "I also don't socialise very much."

"Enoch?" Belle replied, "You and that Victor boy, are you-are you friends?"

Enoch placed his needle and thread down before picking up some scissors and looking directly at the blue haired girl. "He's my best friend."

"But you argued?"

"Yes, well, not all friends get on twenty-four-seven. Have you never had friends?" Enoch scoffed, returning his gaze to his homunculi. Belle stayed silent, yes she did have Luna, and the three gryffindor boys but now that she left, were they still friends? Besides she only really stayed friends with them properly for a day, well Luna a couple of days, but still. "You have had friends before right?"

Belle looked up at him, "Yeah, tons."

Enoch placed down the utensil he was using which was a scalpel and shook his head. "You aren't the best liar y'know."

Belle sighed, "Okay so maybe I haven't had tons. Four- Luna, Fred, George and Lee."

Enoch nodded, "Were you close?"

"Not really, the day I left was about twenty-four hours after I properly became friends with them."

"How great! Bet you loved that, only just getting friends, getting pulled from boarding school, then ditched by your mum and dad-"

"Just mum. I don't have a clue who my dad is."

"Oh. Well still you know what I mean. Pretty crap, init?" Enoch replied.

"Yeah." She chuckled lightly, "Thanks by the way."

"What for?"

"Not acting sorry when you found out about my dad situation. So many people have given me they whole pity bullshit, and the next day pretend to not know me." Belle stated.

"Well I ain't like that." Enoch shrugged.

* * *

Remus tugged at his blonde, greying hair. Wales?!? What boarding school is in Wales?! Surely not a school for magic anyway. He couldn't get his head around the idea of his daughter, whom was unaware of her being his daughter, was sent away, forever. What mother in their right mind suddenly packs their daughter up and sends them away just to spite the father of the child and to get her away from magic, which is a part of her? Who does that?

Remus had enough on his mind so far this year, with his former best friend on the run from Azkaban. He looked at the calendar on the wall. October 31st. His eyes began to water, but he refused to let anything spill. The man sighed and got ready for the day after having barely any sleep the night before. It was a Saturday and the first Hogsmeade trip this month. He watched many students laughing and joking as they made their way to the village but he then noticed one scruffy-haired brunette wave off his friends and begin to walk the school grounds alone. Maybe the boy could use some company. After all his friends clearly forgot what Halloween also was to the boy- the death date of his parents- James and Lily Potter.

* * *

The twins and Lee decided to skip out on the Hogsmeade trip today and instead demanded to see Dumbledore. The three entered the office and instantly were met with the twinkling eyes through half-moon spectacles, of Albus Dumbledore. "Ah, the mischievous boys of Hogwarts. What can I do for you?"

"Do you know the address of Belle Florence? We want to send her an owl." George spoke up.

The elder wizard nodded, "Yes, of course let me write it for you." He took a piece of parchment from his drawer and intricately wrote her address in his neat handwriting and then handed it to the boys.

"Thank you, Professor." Lee smiled, and just before they were about to leave Fred suddenly turned back to Dumbledore.

"Sir, why'd Belle leave?"

"That is a matter that only she, herself, can tell you. As I for one only know it to be personal matters."

"Thank you." Fred nodded and he, his brother and Lee left to head back to their common room. "Let's get this letter written shall we?"

Dear Belle,

Why did you leave?

Why didn't you say goodbye?

We had just become friends and you leave.

Sorry, that isn't how we should start this letter, George wrote that, this is Fred writing now. Also that looks like an Xmas tree! Although, I agree with what he is asking, I just want to ask if you are okay? I know it hasn't been that long since you left but I do miss you. It's weird walking around the school and not catching a glimpse of your hair or you reading/ writing.

The day you left, Sirius Black attacked the Fat Lady portrait, scared her shitless, needless to say that night the whole student body had to sleep in the Great Hall in dashing purple sleeping bags. I looked amazing in it, for your information. Now I know you are imagining this image right now, Florence. Me- sexy redheaded Fred in a purple sleeping bag. Purple brings out my eyes by the way. He (Black) hasn't been sighted in the school since, though.

You, however, gorgeous, are also the talk of the school. Let me just tell you some things people have been saying:

"Belle Florence has left, maybe Dumbledore realised she is too dumb to be at Hogwarts."

"Maybe Black kidnapped Florence!"

"Florence helped Sirius Black hence she suddenly left."

That's not the best ones either, there's:

"I bet Florence was fucking Black, got preggers and now had to leave!"

"Bet Florence is Black's daughter!" 

~Like Bruh! Wtf?! People are bloody crazy!

Mate! I'm sorry, Belle, Lee doesn't understand the meaning of a NICE letter. It's Fred again. Please ignore what both George and Lee have put, the insensitive bastards.

Anyway, please reply. We hope you are okay, and will come back to Hogwarts asap.

Fred & George Weasley & Lee Jordan.

A/n- well here's another chapter of Blue Belle!
Anyway, I have a question.

After six months of planning, and writing part of, yet another, book. Because why not?! I was wondering should I start uploading it?
It's nothing to do with HP.
But with Enoch O'Connor.
Would anyone read it?

I have already started uploading imagines I have been writing over the past year, when I was bored in school, or on car journeys or even when I wanted to have a break from my actual books but still write.

That's all I have got to say. So see you later!

Blue Belle {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now