!!!NOTE!!! #VeryImportant

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So guys.....I need help (like always) but yeah....I need help.

I miss writing like so much but then I'm just like so indecisive about everything.

I have like a gazillion books in my draft but I'm not sure about them.

So I thought about it and I'm going to give you guys some of the titles of my books then u guys can choose the one you think sounds interesting! How's that? 😁

I'll put my effort into the one with the most votes and continue with it.

1. Finding Him (Part of the him series)

2. Torture (fan-fiction)

3. For love of the lies

4. Mother Oh Mother

5. The Diary

6. Fears (fan-fiction)

*the ones without the 'fan-fiction' in brackets are not fan-fictions*

So for this I really need comments!!!!!!!

Please, Please, Please, Please & Please Comment!
Tell me which one you like.
And if you want brief explanations of the stories then you know what to do.........yes....COMMENT!

love you all....thank you for reading 💋

-Setayesh 😘

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