chapter 14

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Amanda's POV

I walked quietly in the school hallway looking for Chris. I looked everywhere but didn't find him. So I walked up to one of the teachers. "Hey ma'am have you seen Chriss......Chriss Carter?"I politely asked

"You're the new kid right?"she asked and I nodded my head. "No wonder, didn't you hear he was involved in a car crash yesterday?"she reluctantly said. I froze. It was because of me. "That's why we're closing school at lunch. We always do that when one of the students or staff are I involved in a car crash or something like that."she said again then left.

I sat down on the stairs and cried to, myself. He could die because of me. I should have told him I was taken when we met.

The rest of the day nobody taught or learned anything. When it was lunch I went of school and called dad.

(J=Jason & A=Amanda)

J= Hey honey,

A=, don't pick me up. One of the school students was involved in a car crash so I'm going to see him.

J= okay honey, just take care and come home soon

A= love you, bye

I hung up then took a cab to the hospital.

When I got there the lady in charge or whatever they call her showed me his room.

I got in and his mom was there.

"Hey Amanda" she said getting up.

"Hey."I said.

We stayed there for some time talking until she decided to go and get some stuff at her house.

I then sat on the chair beside his bed.

"Chriss,I'm really sorry. It's all my fault. I hope you forgive me. Please wake up. Please."I said crying.

I stayed for thirty more minutes then left.

I got home and had dinner then went to my room. I put my computer on then saw that I had two missed calls from Jessica so I called her back.

"Hey girl did you talk to him? I talked to Joe and it worked thanks girl." She said cheerfully

"I'm really happy for you. But Chriss....He was involved in a car crash. It's all my fault."I said

"No, no, Amanda it's not your fault. He'll be fine. You didn't know that would happen."she said

"I guess you're right. I have to sleep. It's been a long day." I said

"Yeah sure girl."she answered then I hung up.
It's been two days since the car crash and Chriss hasn't woken up yet. I'm really worried but I try my best to keep a positive mind.

I got dressed in blue tight jeans, black blouse and black flats then took a cab and went to the hospital.

I soon arrived and went to his room. When I got there he was awake and seemed fine. I was really happy.

I went and hugged him then we sat there talking until he gave his mom this look and she went out.

"Chris....I'm really sorry. It's all my fault that you got I the car crash. I really am sorry."I said

"It's okay Amanda. It was not your fault."he said

"I'm glad you're okay. So we're cool?"I asked

"Totally" he answered and I smiled then hugged him.

We talked and had a lot of fun. He was going to be released tomorrow.

After some time I left.

I got home and went to my room. Everyone was out. Mom and Dad had gone to this celebration and Kate had taken Danny to an amusement park. I got a call from Nick and quickly answered it.

"Hey Honey. Missed you big time."I said

"Me too bae. Random question here......,how happy would you be if you saw me right now?"he asked

"I would be so happy like I would literary fly."I answered

"Then why don't you get downstairs and open the door."he said and hung up. I jumped up then ran down and opened the door.i saw him standing there with flowers and looking great as usual.i jumped into his arms and kissed him.

"Why didn't you say you were coming?"I asked

"I wanted to surprise you love." he said before giving me another kiss.

"Well you did well at that."I said.

We got in and cuddled on the sofa as we watched movies. I had missed him so much.

As we were enjoying ourselves there was a 'Ding.....Dong' at the door.

Who was it? If it was mom or dad, I guess I would be busted.

IF IT WASN'T FOR HIMTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang