chapter 6

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Amanda's P.O.V

I woke up at nine and started cleaning the house along with Kate. We also made food. We prepared everything so that this Jason will like us and our place. "Hey Kate, I was just thinking, what should we call him?" I asked "Well I was thinking about the same thinking about that too but I think for now we can call him Sir." She answered. My phone rang and it was Nick so I answered

(A= Amanda & N= Nick)

A= "Hey Nick wats up"

N= " Nothing much just wanted to see if you wanna hang out today"

A= "I would love to but we have a very special guest and I can't just leave like that"

N= "Ok then but about yesterday I am really sorry if you got upset."

A= " No Nick it's totally fine"

I hung up and looked at Kate who was giving me this 'giiirl tell me all about it' look "Well the first time I went to his house I overheard his mom and Danielle talking about this Cassandra girl so yesterday I asked Nick about her and he seemed unhappy when I said so it all got complicated."

I said before I heard the door bell ring and I knew who it was so we checked the house one last time and I went to open the door. And I saw a handsome blonde with hazel eyes and was dressed in dark blue jeans and a khaki jacket. "Hey I'm Jason." He said "Hello sir please come in." I said and led him to the living room. Soon mom came down and everyone was in the living room. "Kids this is Jason, the one I told you about." Mom said "Hello sir" we all said "Please call me Jason and here. I brought you guys something" he said handing each of us a paper bag. We took them and looked inside and there was a Samsung galaxy A in each of our paper bags and we all thanked him more than enough then we went upstairs to check them out and to also leave mom and Jason alone.

"I'm lovin him already." Danny said

"I know right this guy can change our lives forever unlike that jerk of whom we called a father." Kate said

"Well guys let's not spoil our day by thinking of that jerk, now let's go prepare the table for lunch Kate." I said and we went downstairs. We soon ate lunch then Jason left. I was cleaning the up the dishes when I got a text from Nick.

(Nick) - Hey beautiful. Tomorrow is ditch day so wanna hang out at my house?

I smiled at his choice of words then replied.

(Amanda)- Sure C ya

-Next day

Amanda's P.O.V

I woke up early and tested Nick that I would be there soon. I left a note for mom saying that I was going to Nick's house and Danny could stay at home since it was Ditch Day. I took a cab to Nick's place. I knocked on the door as I arrived and I was greeted by Danielle.

"Hey Amanda. Welcome." She said "Thanks how are you and everything else" I answered "Well I'm fine. How about you and Nick?" She said "What do you mean?" I asked even though I knew exactly what she meant but I wanted to make sure I thought right "You know exactly what I mean. Like are you dating or what?" She said "Well, I wouldn't say dating but we are fine." I said "Ok then. You can go see him. He's in his room." She said

I went upstairs and when I was about to get in I heard Nick talking to Joe.
"Joe maybe she's ditching me, like yesterday I asked if we could hang out and she was like no we have guests and all." Nick said "No man. You can ask her when she gets here" Joe answered. The door was slightly open so I could see them and Nick had his back to the door so I slowly went in and hugged Nick from behind.

"Heeey" I said and kissed his cheek. Joe left to leave us alone. "Hey honey." Nick said. "Hey what's up." I said Nothing much, I just missed you yesterday. My aunts and uncles came from Texas yesterday and they came here so I wanted you to meet them but as you said you had a very
important guest." Nick said "Yes we did have a very important guest and I would have loved to meet your relatives but you know. But anyway there's this party that Jessica is hosting on Sunday. Do you wanna go?" I asked "Actually I can't. My aunt came with her daughter Stacey and I sort of have to show her around for this whole week." He answered and I was a bit upset causes I would have to be alone all through the party because I promised Jessica that I would be there.

We ate breakfast together and when we were about to go out Nick's aunt arrived with this girl who I suppose was Stacey and said that Stacey was bored so Nick could start showing her around right now and Nick couldn't disagree. He offered to drop me home but I took a cab. I was sure with this whole Stacey thing that this wasn't going to be a good week for me.
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