chapter : 38

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Amanda's P.O.V

I had been standing outside the door for about ten minutes now.

Should I go in? Should I just turn away and leave?

My face was a huge mess right now from all the crying.

Eventually I knocked on the door. It didn't take long for him to open up the door.

As soon as I saw his face more tears started rolling down my cheeks and I couldn't stop myself. I began crying uncontrollably.

He didn't say a word and just wrapped his hands tightly around me as if he knew exactly what had happened.

"They lied to me." I said in between sobs.

"Do you want to come in?" He asked after we let go and I replied with a nod.

He carried the bag I had brought along and I got in the house.

The house was really nice and it felt nice to be in it.

I walked to lounge and sat down on one the sofas.

As I was sitting everything started to hit me.

The woman I had called mom for as long as I can remember wasn't my mom. The girl I had called my sister for as long as I can remember wasn't my sister. Everything was a lie. I wonder what else they hid from me.

So, who was my real mom? What did she look like? What did she sound like? Why was she killed?

Amanda's Dad's P.O.V

After Amanda came in the house I went upstairs and put her bag in one of the rooms.

I came back downstairs and went to the kitchen to make her something to eat.

I made chicken and mayo sandwiches and some milkshake.

I took the food to the lounge where she was sitting.

"Made some food for you." I said with a smile but she didn't move or say a word. I put the food on the table and sat beside her.

She still did not move or say a word. Tears were falling down her cheeks slowly and it broke my heart to see my only daughter in this condition and me being unable to do a thing.

"Amanda" I said as I put my hand on her shoulder "Amanda please say something."

Still she did not do a thing.

I decided to the thing I had never in a million years imagined myself doing.

I took her bag and luckily her phone was inside and it didn't have a password. I went straight to her contacts and called Nick.

"Hey babe I was just about to call you. What's up?" Nick said as he answered his phone.

"It's not Amanda." I said

"Then who are you? Why do you have Amanda's phone?" Nick asked

"Long story short, I'm her dad but there's no time for questions. Amanda is not very fine right now so I need you to come over, maybe you can make her feel better. I'll text you the address right now." I said

"What!? What's wrong with Amanda? What did you do to her?" He asked getting worried and angry at the same time.

"I'll tell you everything later but I need you to get here first."

"Okay I'll be there right now." He said before hanging up

I quickly texted him the address.

I looked at Amanda and still she was not making at least one move.

"Amanda please say something. You are making me worried." I said

A few minutes later I heard the door bell ring. I went to open the door and for sure it was Nick.

"Where is Amanda?" He said coming in.

"She's in the lounge." I said leading him to where Amanda was.

Nick's P.O.V

I froze in place as I saw my Amanda sitting there making no movement. As I looked at her face she looked as if her whole world had ended. She looked as if she had been let down.

After a moment of taking a good look at her I slowly walked to her and sat beside her.

"I'll leave you too alone. I'll be upstairs if you need anything." Amanda's dad said before he went upstairs.

I put my hand on her shoulder "Amanda, it's me. It's Nick. Please say something." I said and finally she moved.

She turned and looked at me then she laid her hand on my shoulder and began crying.

"It's okay. I'm here now. I'm here."

We just sat there with nobody saying anything until she fell asleep.

I carefully laid her head on one of the cushions then I went upstairs to look for her dad.

I saw him sitting on a chair in the study room with the door open. He seemed to be deep in his thoughts.

I knocked on the door causing him to jump a little. He smiled when he saw it was me. "Come in Nick." He said before I came in "How is she doing?" He asked

"She's asleep." I said "What happened?" I asked


"I mean what happened to Amanda? Why is she in this condition? And if you don't mind me asking, how are you her dad? I thought her dad left her like years ago?"

"About what happened to Amanda, well she found out more about herself and it wasn't good news." He said before he went on to explain everything to me from how he found Amanda again to the truth about who her mother is.


"I'm going to need you to help Nick. You need to help me help Amanda. I have lost my daughter once and I have gotten her back after a lot of struggle so now I can't afford to loose her again."


And there you go my lovely readers. Hope you like this chapter and how the whole story is going. I'm really sorry for not updating. I was bust with exams but they are over now.

If It Wasn't For Him is coming to an end really soon.😘


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