chapter : 35

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Nick's P.O.V

I was sitting in my room at the house my dad had bought since he would be here for the whole holiday.

Dave was also here telling me about this girl he met a restaurant and how he wasn't sure if he liked her or Natalie.

I was not paying any attention to what he was saying. All that was in my mind right now was how I was going to deal with Cassandra. I don't know how she got my number but she did. She had been texting me alot these days. I looked at the 35 messages she had sent me from when I saw her which was three weeks ago. I hadn't replied to any of them.


~20 April~ Hey it's me Cassy.
You didn't expect
to see me did you?
But here I am.
Back for you 😈

~22 April~ Why don't you reply?
Are you still in shock
from hearing from me?
You better adjust cause
the game is just starting

~23 April~ I'm starting to get mad
but I'll give a little more
time to reply me. There's
alot going on Nick.

I got angrier by looking at these messages so I stopped.

"So what do you think?......are you even listening to me?" I heard Dave say.

I nodded my head "of couse I am."

"Then what did I just say?"

"Umm....uh...okay I didn't hear it. What did you say?"

"You hardly pay attention these days. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just a bit tired but I'll be okay."

"Now I see, you miss Amanda." He said smiling

"Yeah, I do." I said.

I did miss her but it was better for me knowing she's kit here because I don't want Cassandra to do anything to her. She's my life.

My phone beeped. I opened it and it was a message from Cassandra.


~ right now ~ Come to the cafe down
the street from your
house.....right now.

Like always, I didn't reply.

Amanda's P.O.V

I couldn't go back to sleep after the dream I had. I stood up and went downstairs to the kitchen. I made some coffee for myself then sat down at the kitchen table.

My phone buzzed. I opened it. I had gotten a message from the guy I met yesterday. I had saved him as 'air host'

Air host

~ right now ~ Hey beautiful, you didn't call me back. Are we still on for today?

I guess there will be no harm in meeting him. It might help me to clear my mind. I replied.

Sure, where should we meet?

After a few minutes he replied.

How about we meet at Starbucks . The one in Jasonville Ave.

I replied.

K. See you in 15 min.

I finished my coffee then went upstairs to my room. I took a quick bath bath then got ready. I wore black denim shorts, a pink shirt and black boots. I tied my hair in a neat bun then wore big round earings. I took my bag and phone then went out of my room.

Everyone was asleep so I just left a note on the fridge to tell them I'm out. I took a cab then made my way to my destination.

I got there soon. The place wasn't so crowded so I was able to spot him easily.

"Hey," I said as I got to him. He stood up and gave me a small hug.

"Hey, beautiful how are you." He said smiling.

"I'm not bad. Anyways you haven't told me your name." I said

"I'm Evin." He said

We stayed there for like an hour until I decided to go home. He offered to drop me.

"Thanks a lot, I had fun." I said as he pulled into my driveway. I was about to reach for the door when he stopped me.

"I had fun too, we should hang out some other time if I'm in this city." He said smiling.

He started to lean in and I knew he was about to kiss me so I stopped him. "What's wrong?" He asked confused.

I knew I should have told him that I had a boyfriend already.

"Um..... I have a boyfriend." I said and I saw his face fill with embarrassment and sadness.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He said looking down.

I didn't say anything and just got out of the car.

"Well that was awkward." I said to myself.

I didn't fill like going inside the house so I just went to the backyard and sat on one of the chairs.

I kept on thinking about my father. I was really confused right now.

My phone buzzed notifying that I had a message. The number was an unknown number. The message was a picture and I waited for it to load. It loaded quickly and what I saw shocked me!

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