chapter 11

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Amanda's P.O.V

I looked around my empty room. Everything was out. We were moving today. I was sort of happy to see the new house and on the other hand I was going to miss everything about this place.

I locked all the rooms and went out. We all got into the car and started our long trip.

We arrived after five hours and I was beyond exhausted. We got in and the house was big. I wondered how many rooms it had. The yard was huge and it was really preety.

"Ok guys go choose your rooms and look around the house."Dad said taking the la st few bags out of the car.

Danny, Kate and I went upstairs to choose our rooms. I picked a room which had pink walls and nearly everything was pink. I loved it.

I put everything of mine in it then sat on my bed. I called Nick.

(A=Amanda & N=Nick)

N= Hey honey. How are you.

A=Hey I'm fine. We've arrived. I already miss you.

N=I miss you too but I promise I'll visit you. Summer break is in two weeks I'll come see you.

A=yeah that's right. Anyway I've got to go. Love you. Bye

N=Love you too. Bye.

I hung up and went downstairs to help mom. I set the table as she cooked. "Honey you'll have to start school after the summer break."mom said.

"Oh... great so I'll get to know this place during that time."I said.

"Tomorrow we'll go around the neighborhood to meet the people."she said.

"Sure."I said.

We ate our dinner talking about what we're going to do during the summer. After dinner I washed the dishes then went to my room. I put the computer on and went on Skype. I typed Nick's number and after a few rings his face appeared on the screen.

"Well hey beautiful."he said

"Hey hope you weren't sleeping yet I just wanted to see your face."I said

"Who would sleep at this time? It's ten. How's it going?"He answered

"Good... we'll just go to see the neighbours tomorrow."I said

"Well nice. You know our summer will start earlier this year due to some problems so it will start next week."he said.

"Well great so you can come here."I said

"I'll have to go now but talk to you tomorrow okay. Love you."he said

"Love you too."I said before shutting the computer down.

I changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

I woke up, took a shower and went downstairs.

"Hey honey how was your night in the new house?"dad said.

I went over to him and kissed his cheek before I answered saying "yep it's preety great."

"Honey get ready we're going to see the neighbours. Your dad is taking Danny to the park and Kate's going shopping so it's just the two of us."mom said. I hugged her then went upstairs to get ready.

I wore a black short skirt and red lace top then put on my red flats and silver necklace then went downstairs.

We went out with mom and decided to go to the house across us. We knocked and a middle aged woman opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Hello I am Neda and this is my dayghter Amanda. We just moved here yesterday and decided to see our neighbours."Mom said

"Oh.....I heard that some people moved in. Welcome toour neighborhood and I'm Janet. Please come in." she said moving aside to let us in and we walked in and sat in the living room.

"So Amanda is your only child?"she asked sitting down on one of the sofas.

"No I have another daughter and son." Mom answered

"Wonderful I have one son." She said before there was a knock on the door and she stood up to get the door.

"This is my son Max."Mrs. Janet said pointing to the boy and I should say he was hot cute and handsome bit I'm with Nick and yep.

"Hey I'm Amanda." I said stretching out my hand to him and he shaked it.

"Amanda....Max can help you to know the place better I mean like show you around."Janet said and I nodded my head then said "yes that would be great."

We stayed a bit longer while Mom and Janet talked then we left.

Hope you like it.
It's a crappy chap but i had to update so this was the best I had.
I'll try to make the next one better.
Love you all.

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