chapter : 36

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Nick's P.O.V

I know I shouldn't have gone there. Something at the back of my mind kept telling me I would regret it and now I do. I kept having I feeling that I shouldn't go but being the idiot I am, I went there and fell right into her trap.

** Flashback **

Cassandra ~ I just need you to come just this once and after it I promise I won't text or cross paths with you ever again.

I thought about it for a while then finally decided that if it would stop her from texting me then why not go on with it?

I replied telling her I would meet her there in fifteen minutes.

I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs to the parking. I got in my car and made my way to my destination.

I was there in ten minutes.

After parking the car and getting out I went in the cafe.

I saw her sitting at a corner. The place was almost empty. There was only Cassandra and another person who sat at the other corner. I couldn't see whether it was a woman or man because of the newspaper he/she held in front of his/her face.

I walked to where Cassandra was seated and as soon as she saw me her face lit up with happiness. And I saw that smile.

That smile I once adored. That smile that made me smile. That smile that I used to see everytime after I kissed her.

But now I would gag at thinking that I used to kiss her. I would gag at thinking that I used to go to her house as late as 12am just to see that smile.

I was awoken from my thoughts upon hearing Cassandra's voice. "I'm glad you came." She said softly "sit down please."

She said causing me to nod and sit down opposite her.

Seeing her made me remember all the times we spent together. It kind of made me sad. I remembered the time we got to know about her true colours and how I was in a state of shock for a couple of weeks after loosing her.

I decided to not think about that and just cut to the chase.

"Okay I don't have all day," I said "What do you want to talk about?" I asked

"I wanted to to say I'm sorry. I sorry for everything. I'm sorry for breaking your heart. I hope you forgive me." She said

"Did you think you could just come and talk to me sweetly and I would automatically forgive you? You are wrong. Just stop texting and get out of my life like you said you would." I literally shouted before standing up and walking toward the door. I heard her footsteps behind me.

She stopped me before I got in the car "I said I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for everything and for this." She said before suddenly smashing her lips on mine and I could swear I saw a flash. I pushed her away fast.

"What is wrong with you?" I shouted before opening the door of my car to get in but I heard her "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You sure we're happy kissing me back."

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