chapter 12

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Nick's POV

I sat on my bed just thinking.

                                    *flash back*

I was in the house fixing things up when the door bell rang. I went to open it and it was Amanda as I expected.

"Hey hottie." I said kissing her cheek.

She smiled a faint smile "hey." She answered.

"What's wrong?"I asked worried

"I'll tell you" she said

She got in then we went upstairs to my room. We laid on my bed with her head on my chest.

"So what's wrong. Did I do something?" I asked

"Umm....we are leaving Nick. We're leaving cause my dad's work place is far from here and I can't let him go and just see us on weekends So we're going to a different house and I'll go to a different school. I won't be able to see you often."she said crying a bit then I felt her tighten her grip around me and I did the same.

"Shh...Amanda. Don't worry. We'll always find time to see each other. Not even being in different planets can break us apart."I said wiping off her tears.

She smiled, a real smile this time,then answered "Thanks. I guess you're right. You can come visit me and I can come visit you.I guess I'll be fine."

                                              *end of flash back*

"Bro.........hello."I heard Joe say and I came our if my thoughts. I hadn't even realized he came in.

"When did you come in."I asked

"I knocked like a billion times then finally decided to come in. You still thinkin about her....huh?"he said

"Yep.....I thought I would manage to go on without her but I was wrong. I need her here."I answered

"Don't worry Nick. You can do it. Now don't just sit there like you're home sick, let's go cannoing."he said pulling me off the bed.

I hesitated at first but Joe won't stop til he gets what he wants so I finally gave in and we went cannoing.

Amanda's POV

"So how did you like the neighbour's?"dad asked

"They're really nice."I answered. I wasn't paying much attention. All I was thinking about was Nick. I thought I could do this easily but it's harder than I thought.

I think my emotions were clear on my face because dad put his hand on mine then said "honey, I know you miss L.A but I'll do my best to make this place good for you."

I smiled "Don't worry dad I'm perfectly fine." I said. I didn't want him to be worried and stressed out.

Today is the day I go to the new school. I hate being the new girl school. I hate to adjust to new people. I'm nervous but I'll do it. I don't want dad and mom to be worried.

We got in the car and headed to the school.

We arrived after a fifteen minute drive.

"Ok guys I'll be back to pick you later. Love you all. Bye."dad said as he started the car. We waved at him then he went.

I made sure Danny was in his class then I went to mine.

When I got in my class the teacher introduced me to everyone "Okay class, this is our new student, Amanda." She said and was responded by Okays, Whateves and Let's just start the class now.

I found an empty seat and sat there.

After three other classes it was lunch time. I went to put my staff in my locker.

"Oh my god did you see that girl in school, did see what she was wearing, did you see that, this, that, this." I mumbled to myself or maybe shouted. I hated this day. I heard a slight chuckle so I closed the door of my locker and I saw a familiar face. I couldn't remember him quite well. Oh...I remember, it was Chriss.

"Hey......Amanda.......right?" He said

"Yeah, hi."I said

We talked as we walked to the cafeteria. He was pretty nice. Maybe things here won't be so bad after all.

"How was school?" Mom asked

"It was good."I said

We ate lunch as we talked about what we did at school.

After lunch I washed the plates then sat down with Danny and Kate to watch TV. We watched Ride Along.

Ding.....Dong I heard the door bell ring. I stood up and opened it.
It was Chriss.

"Hey Chriss."I said

"Hey...our school won a football match against East High school so there's a party at the team captain's house. Do you wanna come?"he asked

"Yeah I do but I'll just ask my mom if it's okay."I said.

I asked mom and dad and they agreed. I told Chriss I was coming then I went to get dressed.

I wore a black short jean skirt, an orange lace top and black heels then went downstairs.

"You look good." Chriss said

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