chapter : 27

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Amanda's POV

"So Natalie, how about we work on the clothes after school? We've been canceling a lot these days." I said to Natalie as I put my books in my locker.

"Well I'm actually a bit tired with all the school work." She answered.

"Oh, so how about we give the school staff a break, we can have a girls day. Just the two of us." I suggested.

"How about some other time. I'm actually going shopping with Stacey today. She said my wardrobe needs a new style." Natalie said

Oh, so that's why she didn't want to hang out.

"But we recently renewed your wardrobe. Remember?" I said

"Well Stacey said I need new styles. Anyways I need to go." She said before giving me a small hug then leaving.



'My mama don't like you she likes everyone, and I never like to admit that I was wrong' I sang along to Justin Bieber's 'Love yourself ' as I flipped the pages of my Teen Zone magazine.

Natalie had gone to Dave's room. They've been getting close these days. Stacey was taking a bath and Nick very was busy today.

Suddenly Stacey's phone rang..... again. How many contacts does she have. Her phone rings like every five minutes.

I had gotten tired of her phone ringing and mostly of the ringtone which was 'black magic' by Little mix. I got up and went to her side of the room to turn off the phone. The caller ID said Abigail. When I was about to reject the call I accidentally clicked on answer.

"Oh my God Stacey, how long does it take to answer one call? I've been calling for hours. I wanted to ask if you did what I told you to. We don't have much time?" The girl who I suppose was named Abigail said.

Much time for what?

"I'm sorry, this isn't Stacey. She's taking a bath right now." I said before I heard a beep. She had ended the call.

I went back to reading my magazine and listening to 'Love Yourself '.

"After a few minutes Stacey came out of the shower. "A girl called Abigail called like a thousand times so I answered your phone and she was saying if you had done what she told you to do." I said still flipping through the pages of my magazine.

"Is that all she said? Did she say something else? Why did you even touch my phone?" She kind of yelled.

"What's the big deal? Your phone was just annoying me with all the ringing so I just answered it." I said to Stacey.

"Ahh.....sorry, just forget it." She said.

"Whatever" I told her.

Why was she making it such a big deal? Was she hiding something?

Well, I doubt it's about me so I don't care.

As I was flipping through the pages of my magazine, my phone vibrated notifying that I had a message. I opened it immediately thinking that it was from Nick but it wasn't....

Unknown = Hello Amanda. I need to talk to you. Please meet me at 5:30 pm today at Starbucks in Alisonwood St. it's very near your school so you won't have any difficulty finding it.

That was weird. I thought about it for a moment before responding.

Amanda = Who are you and how did you get my number?

Unknown = You will know who I am soon but right now I need you to come and meet me where I told you to. It's very important.

This was crazy. Who the hell was this person? I decided to just let it go.

A few minutes later I got another text from the same number.

Unknown = It has something to do with your past,......your father.

What does that mean? I haven't heard from my father for more that five years and then suddenly some jerk comes and tells me to meet him because it concerns my farther?

I didn't want to hear from my father. Not now or ever again. He made my mom and I go through a lot of hardships.

Amanda = Leave me alone! I will search for my father when I feel like it which is never. So who ever you are, just leave me ALONE!

It didn't even take minutes before I got a reply.

Unknown = You will regret it if you don't come meet to me. It's 5:00 right now. You still have time. I'll be on table 6.

What does he mean by I will regret it?

I got tired of just thinking about this issue so I got up went to my closet, pulled out my Calvin Klein jeans, Rebecca Minkoff sneakers, a Michael Kors top and a black cardigan then went out of my room. I went outside the school, took a cab and went to the place I had to meet this person.

It didn't even take a while before I arrived. Before I got in I reminded myself that this was a bad idea.

When I got in I immediately looked for table six. I saw a man sitting but I couldn't see his face clearly since he was looking outside the Window then when he turned his face to my direction I didn't believe it.

He father.


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