chapter : 37

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Amanda's P.O.V

I woke up very early in the morning. I actually hadn't slept all night. I had a lot on my mind.

I took a quick shower. I wore pink sweatpants and a T-shirt that said I DON'T CARE.

Everyone was still asleep so I just went downstairs to the kitchen and made myself some coffee. Somehow coffee always made me feel better.

I had shutt down my phone last night after talking to my father since I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I turned it on and I had like a dozen texts from Nick, Jessica and surprisingly Natalie. I first looked at the ones from Nick.


22:30 ~ Hey Amanda. We need to talk.

22:36 ~ Can you please at least let me explain?

22:38 ~ Are you really going to do this to me? You know I can't leave without you. Please just hear me out.

22:39 ~ Can you at least reply so I know you're alive! Please.

23:03 ~ Okay then, you don't want to reply to my texts? Then I'll come there myself.

He obviously wouldn't come. He was probably just saying that so I would text him back.
I didn't feel like texting him back. I just didn't want to deal with him right now. Plus, it would take more than a text for me to forgive him.

I went on to look at Jessica's texts.


22:28 ~ Hey girl. Heard you came back. I've missed you so much. I had gone to Australia to visit my dad but I'm back now. I have to see you before your holiday is over so please call me.

I then looked at Natalie's texts. What did she have to say?


23:15 ~ Hey Amanda, you must have deleted my number from your phone so just know that this message is from Natalie. I really need to talk to you please! It's urgent.

She probably just wanted to tell me about how much of a great time she was having with Stacey. I didn't feel like talking to her either.

I finished my coffee then went upstairs to my room. I changed into a blue shirt dress and blue pumps. I put my phone in my bag then went out of the house. I was going to see Jessica. I really needed to talk to her.

Her house wasn't that far from mine so I walked there. When I got there I rang the bell and Jessica opened.

As soon as she saw me she screamed before pulling me in for a tight long hug. "I missed you big time girl." She said.

After a good two to five minutes of hugging she let me in and we went upstairs to her room as we always did.

"Okay now tell me, how's life? How's Nick? How are the two of you going on?" She asked with a big smile.

I had come here to talk to her about my father but now she had reminded me about Nick too.

"Don't get me started on Nick. As soon as I left London he has been going around with some girl. I even got a picture of them kissing." My eyes were tearing up now "I mean how could he do this too me. With everything going on in my life he was the one I would talk to to feel better."

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