chapter : 30

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Amanda's P.O.V.

"Nick," I said pausing the movie we were watching.

"Yes? What's wrong?" He asked with a worried face.

"I'm sorry." I said

"For what? Don't tell me that-" he said before I cut him "No, I mean I'm sorry for not being the girlfriend you deserve. You probably have a lot of questions from me but I can't answer them because I myself don't have the answers." I said with slow tears flowing down my cheeks. Nick wiped my tears with his hand "Shh.....don't say that, I don't have a problem with you being unable to answer my questions. You'll answer them if I need to know. All I care about is you and me being able to be there when you need me to be by your side. I love you the way you are." He said putting his hand on mine and everything he said just made me smile.

"Nick," I said still smiling


I chuckled "Kiss me" I said before he crushed his lips on mine. "I love you" he said in between kisses "Me too" I answered as I put my hands around his neck and he put his hands under my top "Nick, what if the others come?" I asked as I continued to kiss him "we'll here them when they're coming" he said before he laid down so he was on top of me he was about to kiss me again when the door suddenly opened and Stacey came in and Nick immediately got off of me.

"I guess I'll go now." He said before getting up and quickly leaving.

This was so awkward. Why on earth could she not knock?

I kept on sitting on my bed and fixed my hair and top. "What are your plans for today?" I asked Stacey trying to avoid the situation.

"I'm just going to go shopping with Natalie for some supplies for the project." She said as she took out some clothes from her closet.

"But Natalie and I have already bought the supplies." I explained

"But we'll be needing new ones and better ones. I've decided to go with pink." She said with a smile

"Okay, so I'll get ready then we can go" I said as I got up from my bed

"Why don't you talk to Natalie about that. Oh, here she is." Stacey said as Natalie entered the room.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I'll let you two talk." Stacey said before grabbing her phone then leaving with a smile.

"Hey girl, do want to talk to me about something? It seems that you decided to add Stacey to our project and the plan completely changed." I said to Natalie as I sat down beside her

"No, I don't want to talk about anything, I just want to let you know that the cleaners will be here to move your things to the other room soon, so pack your things." She said

"What do you mean? Why are we moving our things? This room is perfectly fine." I said

"Didn't you hear the part I said your things are to be moved? You don't have to keep up the act, I know how you feel about me." She said trying to hide her sadness but I could see that she was hurt.

"What are you saying? Can you please be cleat?" I asked

"Oh please, just stop! Stacey told me about how you said you were just working with me because I do everything you say and how you think I have no experience! I know the truth now so you can just stop your act. Start packing." She said before getting into the bathroom.

Why would Stacey lie to her like that? I knew she didn't like me but in never knew she could go this far. But mostly,I can't believe Natalie would believe her just like that. She didn't even bother to ask me first.

I didn't want to put up a fight so I began packing because even if I tried arguing about leaving this room, I wouldn't get anywhere since Natalie was the head girl.

Packing my things wasn't a hustle since I hadn't put a lot of my things out. After packing, I sat down and wrote something for Natalie.....

Natalie's P.O.V.

Natalie, I don't know why I'm writing this instead of saying it but for some reason,I think it's the best thing to do. I'll leave this room if it makes you happy. I hate that you didn't even ask me about this first. I want you to know that I didn't say those things about you. But you probably won't believe me. I guess what you said also means I'm out of the project with you. I hope it's okay if I take the materials we bought together.

- Amanda

I read aloud. She seemed to mean it.

"Maybe you misunderstood her." I said to Stacey.

"No, she's probably making it up. I heard her saying your name a couple of times when she was talking to Jessica." Stacey assured me

I nodded my head "I guess you're right."

Stacey smiled "I have to make a phone call right now so you can get ready so that we can go shopping for new material so we start the project as soon as possible." She said before leaving the room.

I changed my clothes and wore a pink lace top, black skinny jeans and black pumps before getting out of my room and going to Amanda's room.

When I got there, I knocked on the door and she opened it.

"Hey, I wanted to let you know that you can take the materials we bought together, I don't need them." I said before quickly leaving.

Amanda's P.O.V

After arranging my things in my new room, I decided to go to Nick's room.

Amanda = Hey babe. Are you in your room? I wanna come

Nick = of course.

Amanda = :-)

I checked myself in the mirror once again before leaving but when I was about to leave my phone rang. I was sure it was Nick so I didn't even look at the caller ID.....

Amanda = I'm on my way babe. Do you miss me that much?

Caller = it's not your 'babe'. It's your dad. I wanted to say that I'm disappointed in you my dear. Since when did I allow you to have a boyfriend of whom I don't know?

Amanda = Didn't I tell you to leave me alone. PLEASE just leave me alone. Who I date is none of your business.

Dad = okay I'll leave you alone but remember, I said you not your family. If you don't want that jerk your mom married to see his worst days then tomorrow you will come to park down the street from your school. No further information.

Then he cut the phone. Why wouldn't he leave me and my family alone?

IF IT WASN'T FOR HIMDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora