chapter 20

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Amanda's P.O.V

**a week later**

"So this is it?" Katey asked looking at my bags which were neatly arranged on the corner of my room.

"No Katey, it's not good bye. I'll visit. I promise."I said hugging her.

"Yeah, now I hope you're ready cause Nick will be here soon."she said trying her best not to be sad.

I was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

"I guess he's here. I'll carry your bag." She said taking my bags and heading out.

I took a good look at my room then closed the door and went downstairs.

When I got there, on the door stood Nick looking great and handsome as always.

I smiled.

"Hey, you ready?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Honey taker care." Mom said before hugging me. "I will, mom" I said.

I hugged dad, Danny then Katey.

"I'll call everytime." I said hugging her.

"Now, Nick, please take care of my daughter." Dad said to Nick.

I loved the fact that he treated us like his own kids.

"Yes I will Sir."Nick answered.

"Please call me Jason." He said and Nick smiled.


"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain Benad Albertson speaking. Soon we'll be taking off to London. I hope you all enjoy the flight."

I looked over at Nick who was already looking at me with a smile.

This was it, a huge step of my life and I felt that I wouldn't regret it.

"What are you thinking about?" Nick asked.

"About us." I said.

He smiled and pecked my lips.

I was undoubtedly not going to regret this.

"Honey wake up." I heard Nick say nudging me during the process.

"I'm awake, I'm awake." I said sitting up straight.

"We're just about to land." He smiled.

This is it. The beginning of a new chapter in my life.

We soon landed and we took our bags.

As we stepped out, I could feel I was far from home. There was a cold breeze here. It's was like really cold and I wasn't wearing warm clothes so I was literally freezing.


"Okay so Amanda, this is Natalie. She's your roommate and she'll tell you everything." Mrs. Jones who was the head mistress said pointing to a girl who was like my age and was wearing a knee length pink dress. Then pointing to this other guy wearing a black trousers and white shirt "And you Nick, this is Dave, he will be your roommate. So just settle down. Classes begin tomorrow." She said smiling.

We shook her hand then left the office.

"Okay you go see your room then we'll meet up later." Nick said before kissing my cheek then leaving.

"Okay so I'm Natalie and I've been here since last year. This is my final year. I'm seventeen." She said smiling really wide.

"Nice to meet you. I'm from L.A and I'm seventeen too." I said.

As we talked I didn't even realize we were walking and soon we were there.

"Okay this is our room." She said punching in the code. "We don't use keys and all we use this code thingy and our code is one, eight, one, four."

We got in and the room was so big, with two beds on each side.

"The left side is mine and the right is yours. I'm so happy I finally got a roommate. For the whole of last year I didn't have a roommate and it was so boring." She said. I smiled

I started unpacking my bag and talking to her in the process.

"So which places are near hear?" I asked

"Well down the street there's a mental institution" she began "and most of the other streets have big malls and all. It's actually pretty nice."

I finished unpacking my stuff then decided to go see Nick.
Crappy chap. I know. Sorry for the long wait guys but I've been really busy but school's nearly done now so I'll updated regularly.

Love you guys.......xoxo

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