chapter 7

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Amanda's P.O.V

This week hasn't been that good for me. I did go to Jessica's party and I was all alone since Jessica was all busy with Joe. Surprisingly Stacey and her mom have decided to stay longer which means she spends more time being shown around with Nick. As for Nick, he keeps cancelling all our plans either because Stacey wants to go here and there or because she and her mom are coming for lunch or dinner. Kate is going well with this guy she met. Mom is doing well with Jason and I'm happy for all of them. There is this new carnival opening Friday night so I'm gonna ask Nick if he wants to go.

"ONG, Amanda get down here" Kate yelled from downstairs so I quickly ran down. "What happened?" I asked looking at Kate and mom. "Well Jason proposed to mom." Kate side. I was really happy and at the same time thought it was too early but whatever. I hugged mom and asked "Did you say yes?" "Well not yet, I wanted to ask your opinion first because if I agree this will change our lives forever." Mom answered and it always made me happy how she never forgot to ask our approval before taking any huge step. "I say you should agree mom. He's a good person to be head of this family." I said and we all hugged each other tightly. I went back upstairs and called Nick. After a few rings someone picked up. "Hello." A female voice said and I was sure it was Stacey. "Hey, can I speak to Nick." I said "Well you can't. Cause he's in the shower." She said "Ok then please tell him I called." I said and hung up.

Stacey's P.O.V

What's with this girl. She keeps calling Nick like everyday. Doesn't she get the fact that I'm the arranged wife of his. I put the phone down and went downstairs to Nick. He really wasn't in the shower I just said that because I don't want that girl to speak to him.

"Hey Nick, wanna go out?" I asked him "No Stacey, we've been going out ever since you got here. Let's just stay home today and I really need to call Amanda." He answered. Ahhhhh.... Amanda, Amanda, Amanda is all he keeps talking about. Doesn't he see me here. Like I'm blonde, tall and I'm older than him. I believe the wife should be older than the husband for the family to go well.

Nick's P.O.V

I stood up and went to my room to call Amanda. It's been like a week since I saw her. I called her and after a few rings she picked up. "Hey Nick. I was waiting for you to call back." She said and I was confused. "Why were you waiting for me to call you back? It's not like you called before." I answered

Amanda's P.O.V

Ohhhh... I get it. This Stacey is trying to keep me away from him. Let's see what Nick chooses on his own. "Oh yeah I made a mistake. Anyway I there's this new carnival opening Friday night. So I was wondering if you wanna go." I said hoping he would agree. "Well yeah I would love to come." He said and I was really happy. We said our good byes then I hung up and went dress shopping with mom and Kate.

Stacey's P.O.V

I heard Nick talking to that Amanda and it seems they've got plans for some day. I got in the room and sat beside Nick. "Nick what's the plan?" I asked "We'll go to this carniva Friday night." He said and then he went downstairs to watch a movie with Joe and Kelvin.

Amanda's P.O.V

We had a really good girls' day out. We did our shopping. Talked about staff. Ate ice-cream. And I'm pretty sure Danny had a good boy time with Jason. I was still wondering if I should call Jason dad or not.

*later that week ( Friday night)

Amanda's P.O.V

I was getting ready to go out with Nick. I told him to meet me there since Kate said she wanted to drive me there. I wore a red sleeveless blouse, dark blue jeans, white sneakers and a white jacket. I was ready and then Kate and I got in the car and were on our way to the carnival. I was very excited to see him after a long time.

Nick's P.O.V

I've been pretty busy this whole week. With my relatives and Stacey. I hardly got any chance to call Amanda. I miss her so much. Today is just another random Friday. I've got nothing to do. I'm just gonna watch a movie with Kelvin since Joe has a date with Jessica. I keep having this feeling like there's something I'm forgetting. But whatever maybe it's just a random feeling.

Amanda's P.O.V

We soon arrived and I got out of the car. Nick wasn't here yet so I just waited for a while. I waited and waited then a while turned to half an hour then an hour. Where was Nick. I opened my bag to take my mobile but then I realized I left it at home. Shit. I waited for long and the carnival started. Had Nick forgotten about tonight? Had he become busy with Stacey? Or had he ditched me? It got too late and too dark and I knew he wasn't coming. The carnival closed and I was there on the same spot. Tears fell down my cheeks. I took a cab and went home. I couldn't believe it. I was really looking forward to tonight.

Nick's P.O.V

We watched a movie with Kelvin then we played cards. While we were playing I got a call from Joe.

"Hey dude." I said "Hey bro. What's up. How was your date?" Joe asked making me confused. "What date?" I asked. "Didn't you have to go to some carnival with Amanda?" He asked. Shot that's what I forgot. She must have waited for long. How could I forget about tonight. I hung up and called Amanda. I didn't know what I would say but I needed to hear that she was fine. I called but she didn't pick up. She's probably mad at me.
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