chapter 18

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Before you start reading I just want to thank you all for reading my story. I noticed that I got over 400 reads. Thank you so much, I love you guys.

PS: sorry for the long wait. I've been busy with school and my new story.

Amanda's POV

It's been two days since I called Nick and Stacey answered and he still hasn't called me back. I bet she didn't tell him.

I was just sitting in my room. I decided to go out and just have some fresh air.

I wore a black short, black vest and black sneakers then went out.

Just as I stepped out of the house a car pulled over and from came Nick.

I was happy to see him but at the same time scared.

"Hey babe missed you" he said and I ran to him and hugged him. It felt good to feel his arms around me. Then before I knew it tears were falling down down my cheeks.

"Is everything okay Amanda, did I do something?"he asked.

" I'm fine."I said doing my best to stop crying.

"Amanda I know you well and something's up so what's wrong."he said taking my hand in his and leading me to the chairs in our backyard where we sat.

"So tell me."he said.

Ughhhhhh..........I just couldn't keep anything from him. So I had to let him know.

" Umm......Chriss kissed me."I said expecting him to shout and all but he didn't, he sat there in silence.

"Well...Umm....okay. He kissed you, it's not like you kissed him but did you respond?"he finally said.

"What do you mean?" I asked hoping he meant something else.

"I mean did you kiss him back?"he asked. I simply looked down. I couldn't go ahead and say yes but I also couldn't lie to him.

"You did? You kissed him back didn't you?" He said with sadness in his eyes and I felt guilt build up in me. How could I do this to him.

"Yes Nick I did but I didn't mean it. I really didn't. I thought you'd understand."I said with tears in my eyes.

"He stood up from where he was sitting understand what? That you're just like her?"he said and went into his car and drove away.

I cried like hell. I could have told him I forgave him when he left me standing on my own at the fiesta but this was different. As much as I hate to admit it I sort of cheated on him.

After a while of crying I stood up and went Chriss' place I knocked on the door loudly and he opened the door. As soon as I saw him I broke down in teats again...well it's not like I ever stopped crying. I cried and hit him in the process but since most of my energy had been drained from all the crying I don't think he felt much pain.

"You stupid bastard.......why did you kiss me? Nick left me. He just left me."I said crying and hitting him like it could bring Nick back.

"Amanda please calm down. I'm sorry."he said with sadness in his eyes.

I calmed down a bit like I stopped hitting him but tears still fell down my cheeks.

"I'll only forgive you if you bring Nick back which won't happen so forget it."I said before living.

Nick's place wasn't far from my place so I just walked there. I had no idea what I was going to say but I needed to see him.

After a while of my silent walk I arrived. I rang the door bell and he opened the door. I could see he was hurt and seeing him like this especially because if me just brought the tears back to my eyes.

"You probably hate me right now but I want you to know that I didn't mean it. I really didn't. It was mistake. You probably won't forgive me but I want you to know I love you. Very much." I said and expected him to hug me and all but what was I thinking? This isn't a fairytale. It's reality.

He didn't make a move or say anything so I just turned around to leave when suddenly I saw Chriss show up.

What's was he doing here. He's already caused me enough problems.

"So you're just gonna turn her down like that? What more do you need to know she's sorry? Amanda is my friend and I don't wanna see her sad well maybe we aren't friends anymore but anyways I don't know if you know this but before the whole incident, I asked her out but she said no and that was not because she wasn't allowed or anything of that sort, it was because she knew it was wrong since you two were together so last time it was my fault and if you don't change your mind after this I just want you to know that you'll never get anyone like her." Chriss said to Nick before he left.

He really did this for me. I smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me he asked you out before?" Nick asked but I could see he wasn't that angry now.

"I don't know I guess I didn't want to complicate things but I guess that was the big mistake. I'm sorry." I said. "And I know you made it clear we're done so yeah." I said.

"I remember getting angry at you but I don't remember saying we're done." He said with a smile.

I smiled, I knew where he was going with this, "So what are you saying?" I asked.

"I think you know what I'm saying but if you think that I actually ended it with you then I guess I should ask again," he smirked "Amanda, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

I chuckled "I think I already am." I said and went to hug him but he kissed me instead.

I'm glad things were back to how they had to be.

I pulled away with my hands on his shoulders and his hands around my waist.

"Nick who were you talking about when you said I'm just like her?" I asked.
Once again sorry for late update. Next one coming soon. Love you guys.

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