chapter : 26

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Stacey's POV

"Yes, very much still together." She said with that smile of hers that I hate so much.

"Ever since I last saw Nick I have already dated and broken up with three guys but these two, still going strong!

"That's great to hear. Anyways we can go on." I said before she smiled once more and she showed me all the classes on my schedule.

"You can go to your first class now, I have some work to do." She said

"Yeah, it's fine thanks." I said before leaving and making my way to my first class, Vocals.

I'm not even that interested in music. I just came here because, well let's just say that a little birdy told me to.

Amanda's POV

I walked to the cafeteria and saw Natalie sitting with Dave. I decided to let them have their time, so I went to the library and I started writing this song I was working.


"Amanda, can I talk to you? If you're not busy." Natalie asked as she sat on her bed

"Yes, ofcourse. What's wrong?" I asked getting up from my chair and sitting next to her on her bed

"Nothing's wrong I just wanted to ask you about something."

"Sure, what is it?"

"It's about Dave. I wanna know what you think about him? Is he a good guy? What does Nick say about him?"

"Oops,  somebody's got a crush on Dave." I said giggling before I continued "But on a serious note, I think he's a good guy from what I see and what I'm told by people. I mean he's hot, cute, handsome and most importantly, he likes you."

"He likes me? I don't think so! I mean did he tell you?"

"Well no, but I can tell from how he looks at you. He looks at you the same way Nick looks at me. But did he ask-" I couldn't finish my sentence since there was a knock on the door

I stood up and opened the door only to see Stacey standing at the door. What was she doing here? Doesn't she have her own- Oh yeah..... she's our new roommate! That's when I saw the difference in our room. It was the new bed and wardrobe that go had been placed on the far end of the room.

"Oh hey Stacey, come in your bed is the one over there with your bags on it." I said before I moved aside and she walked in.

"This is Natalie she's been my roommate ever since I got here. And Natalie, this is Stacey. She's Nick's cousin." I said before they exchanged 'hellos' and 'nice to meet yous'.

"I can help you unpack your staff Stacey." Said Natalie and Stacey nodded her head smiling

I took my phone from by table and texted Nick.

Amanda : Hey, r u alone right nw? I wanna talk 2 u.

Nick : I'm in my room and the guys r here so we can meet at  
           the pond behind the hall.

Amanda :  c u there

"I'm just going for a walk. I'll be back soon." I said to the girls

" And by ' I'm just going for a walk' she means 'I'm going to see Nick' " Natalie said to Stacey

I chucked "whatever" I said before going out of the room and making my way to the pond

"Hey honey" Nick said as he saw me

"Hey, what's up?" I asked as we sat on the swing under this big shadey tree

"I should be asking you that question, you're the one who said you wanted to 'talk' " he said putting his hand over my shoulder

"I just wanted to say thanks for the song, I've been thinking about it the whole day."

"I would do anything for you. Anyways did you see the new student? Is it a girl or boy?"

"Speaking of the new student, I too was surprised to see that it is Stacey. I thought she was not into music much."

"It's Stacey? How come she never told me about coming?"

"I Guess she wanted to surprise you."

"I'll see her later. For now, I just want to spend time with you." Nick said before giving me a quick kiss

"So.....what do you want to do?" I asked

"Not much. Just this" he said then he slowly connected his lips with mine and I put my hands on his neck as I kissed him back.

"I.....Love......You." he said between kisses and I chuckled


"Nick, do you know something?" I asked with my head on his chest as we stared at the stars in the sky while laying on the soft green grass.

"What?"  he asked and even though I wasn't looking at his face, I could tell he was smiling .

"I hate the night time." I answered

"Why? Why do you hate the night time? Isn't it the most beautiful time if the day? The stars come out, the moon shines and it is in this very night time that we are here together laying here.....together."

I chuckled "Yes, but it's not like this every night. Most of the times, the nights are the times I have to say good bye to you."

"It can be like this every night if you want" he whispered slowly in my ear.

"Nick, I love you." I said


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