chapter 1

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"Get up Amanda, get ready, we have to go." mom said waking me up

"Why so late mom?" I answered still a little groggy

"Don't ask any questions, just do as i say" mom said getting angry and a few tears falling down her cheeks

Now i got it, we were finally leaving this place, i guess mom got into fight with dad again and she couldn't help it anymore. Well things were so screwed up these days, like dad was always coming home late and I mean 2:00 am late. It would drive mom crazy and it would hurt me seeing Danny my baby brother crying in his room while hearing mom and dad fight. Danny was only 3 years old, I was 11 & Kate my older sister was 15. Kate smoked most of the time to try to take the pain away and I was the only one who knew it.

"Alright mom, should I get Kate ?" I asked

"Yes honey hurry and I'll get Danny ready" she answered

I got up and got myself ready then went to roof to find Kate because that's where she would probably be smoking. I got there but she wasn't there, well maybe she was in the house. I went back in the house and looked for her, she wasn't in her room or the study room. I began to get worried, then i went to the bathroom and it was locked and i thought Kate was in there, I knocked and said " Kate, hurry we have to go now." I waited for an answer but i got nothing, i wasn't hearing the sound of the shower or anything then all of a sudden it all got clear.......


We were sitting on roof with Kate and it was pretty dark, we usually sat up here and just talk about our miserable life...

"Amanda, do you really want to keep living?" kate aske

" What do you mean, it's not like i can do anything to change it. Umm.... you're not talking about suicide are you ? " I answered

" Well even if we don't die, this life we lead is pretty much like we're dead." she said with a tear dropping down her cheek

" Don't speak like that Kate, maybe there is something bigger and somehow better ahead of us ok." I said even though i myself had no hope of something better

"Ok... just know I love you the most and if something will happen to me i want you to have this" she said and gave me a key

" Why are you speaking like something is gonna happen and what the key for?" I answered with a tears falling down my cheeks

"It's for the treasure box i have, i want you to take and keep all the stuff in it and i won't give it yto you till the right time, when you see it on my bed one day, then you can take it" she answered


"Mam! Mam! bring the spear kye of the bathroom"

Mam came instantly and unlocked it, as she opened it we saw Kate in the bathtub which was full of water and there were a couple of bottles full of tablets.

"Kate! Kate!" mam yelled crying "Hurry call the ambulance Amanda"

I ran down and did exactly that and in a few minutes the ambulance arrived, they took her out and soon we were on our way. when we arrived they took her straight for surgery and we were just sitting in the waiting area, mam was crying and Dan was sleeping in her arms and i was sitting next to mom with Kate's treasure box in my arms.

After a few hours the docter came out and both my mom amnd I stood up
"She is alright but she might have loss of memory all she might remember are the people who were usually with her." the doctor said

"Can we go see her." i asked

"sure you can, but one more thing, if you manage to keep her happy most of the time and do the things you usually did with her that makes her happy then she might slowly get her memory back." he said

My mom and I entered the room and saw Kate on the bed and she was sleeping.

"It's all my fault, if i had left your father earlier then my baby girl wouldn't have done this to herself." mom said with tears in her eyes

"No mom it's not your fault what has happened has happened now we have to look forward and I need you to help me and together we will help Kate, alright." I said hugging her

Then Kate woke up," Amanda, Amanda," she said

"Yes Kate I'm here" i said very happy she remembered me

"And who's the lady with you" she asked

Oh, she couldn't remember mom.......
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