Chapter 5

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Amanda's P.O.V

When I heard him say that I just wanted to jump and kiss him but I didn't, instead I was speechless.

"Ummmm.........please say something." Nick said

"I don't know what to say Nick, it's just that..." I said before Nick interrupted me saying "it's just that what?"

"It's just that I like you too." I said with a smile and as soon as I said that a smile crossed his face and then he leaned in and kissed me and I did too.

Nick's P.O.V

I was at home telling Joe about everything and he was happy for me.

"Joe I need your help, I want to surprise her with something great." I said

"Well I am busy bro I have to meet Jessica." He answered

"Fine. I will call Andrew." I said and then Joe left.
I changed my mind and called Amanda.

(A= Amanda & N= Nick)

"Hello"= A

"Hey Amanda, it's Nick"= N

"Oh hey wats up"= A

"Nothing just wanted to see if you wanna come over and we can go somewhere"= N

"Actually you can come here to my place I want to show you something."= A

"Ok then. I'll be there soon." I said and hung up

Amanda's P.O.V

I was getting ready and then I heard my mom say "Hey Amanda, Nick is here."

"Ok I'll be down in a minute." I said and grabbed my jacket then ran downstairs

"Hey Nick let's go." I said

"Go where?" He asked

"You'll see when we get there and we don't need the car." I answered

"Ok then." he said and came with me

Nick's P.O.V

We didn't walk for long until we ended up in a dead end which was covered with bushes then Amanda said "We're here"

I was shocked but then I said "Oh.....P-R-E-E-T-Y"

she giggled then she went towards the bushes and went inside. I followed her and to my surprise ir really was PREETY. It was a place full of green plants, a lot of different flowers and a beautiful river.

"WOW" I said "Why did you bring me here?" I asked

"Well I just love this place and I never told anyone about it except you. I usually come here when I'm upset cause it calms me down. But whatever, let's play, walk or do something here." she said.

We played and walked around place and we also swam in the river. It was slightly getting dark but we didn't want to leave yet so wr just layed down and looked at the stars.

Amanda's P.O.V

I was having so much fun with Nick and I didn't want to leave.

"Nick?" I asked

"Yes." He said

"Who is Cassandra?" I asked and exactly when I said that he felt him tense up since we were holding hands.

"I'm sorry Nick. You don't have to answer that." I said

"We should leave now" he said and we stood up and walked home when we arrived I turned to Nick and said "I'm really sorry please don't be mad"

"it's ok forget it" he answered though I could see he wasn't that fine

"No nick it's not fine I mean..." I said but Nick interrupted me by crushing his lips on mine then a few seconds later he pulled away and left. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a way to shut me up but I would talk to him after the weekend. I went in the house and talked to Kate about it all since she would always help me out.

"It'll all get better don't worry" Kate said

"Thanks. Anyway it's been long since we had our girl talk how's everything with you." I said

"Well I met this guy and he's pretty cool and to make it all better he asked me to work with him" she said and I was really happy for her

"But mom has also been getting close with this customer who nearly comes everyday at the bakery." She said again but this news replaced my smile with a frown. Not that I didn't want my mom to be happy but the whole thing of a stepfather didn't do well with me.

"Don't worry much sis we'll be fine. I'm going to say good night to mom." I said and left then I followed her. Just when I was about to enter the room I heard mom on the phone.

"I know Jason but my kids are my world" she said then the guy on the phone said something I couldn't hear and then my mom answered saying "I haven't gotten the right time to tell them yet but I'll fix it, so bye." Then after she hung up I got in.

"Mom don't worry about us all the time, your life matters too." I said

"I know honey but you guys wouldn't be comfortable with a stepfather." She answered

"Mom do you trust him." I asked

"Yes I do. I know I can trust him" she said

"Then bring him here tomorrow and let us meet him." I said smiling

"Really honey? are you sure?" She asked

"Yes mom, I am." I said and hugged her then I pulled away and said "So tell me all about him and how it started."

"Well where can I start, he's name is Jason Adams, he was married before but his wife died and he works at the Samsung company. And last he really seems to truly love me." She said and then we talked a little longer and later I went to bed.
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♡♡♡♡♡ Setayesh.......

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