chapter 23

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Before you guys read this chap I just wanna let you that I love you all for reading my story and I thank you for the over 700 readers. ♡♡

Amanda's POV

"wait. I'll open the door for you since your eyes are closed." Nick said as he parked the car.

He got out of the car and came to my side, opened the door and helped me get out. He walked me to wherever we were supposed to go.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." Nick said

I was so excited. I opened my eyes to meet one of the prettiest scene I had ever seen.

There, before my eyes stood a nice table for two with a red table cloth, two wine glasses and two plates of food.

"Wow Nick. You did this?" I asked still looking at the table

"Yes I did. I figured that ever since we started dating, we've never actually gone out on an actual date." He said

I smiled and kissed him before we went to the table.

Nick's POV

"Don't get out. Let me open the door." I said to Amanda as I got out of the car and carried her out of the car.

"Nick, why does the moon come out every night?" She asked laughing uncontrollably

"Oh my gosh you drank too much." I said.

I walked to the dorms with her in my arms.

Amanda's POV

I woke up with a thumbing headache and everything was so blurry.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone ask and before I could even think of who it was, I knew it was Nick

"No.......what happened? Why do I feel like the I'm spinning around? " I asked

"Well long story short, you drank.......a lot." He answered putting a wet cloth on my forehead.

"I can't remember anything except having a great diner with you."

He chuckled "well at least you remember that."

"Yeah, I guess you should go for it. It's always been your dream Sis'. " I said to Kate while talking to her on Skype

"You're right. I should totally do it. Anyways, when you texted me earlier, you said you were hungover and you had a terrible headache. Are you better now? "

"Yeah, of course I am. I have Nick. He's been with me all the time."

" Oh yeah, speaking of Nick, how's it going between you two? Give me details girl."

I chuckled "Everything is great. He's such a great guy."

"I knew he was. I gotta go now. I have a date soon and I have to get ready."

"Oh...great. bye then" I said before switching off the computer.

I know it's short and not that interesting but I'm gonna try to make the next real better.

Sorry for late update too.

Love you xx

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