chapter 13

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Amanda's POV

"Thanx" I said.

He led me to his car and opened the door for me.

On the way we talked about random staff. He was pretty hilarious.

I was too busy laughing at his jokes that I didn't even realize we arrived. The parking lot was really big and there were a lot of cars so I guess it was a big party. We luckily found an empty spot and parked the car there then got out and went upstairs where I suppose the party was being held.

He opened the door and we got in. It was empty.

"Chris......There is nobody here."I said confused

"Exactly."he said smiling.

"So why are we here?"I asked a bit confused and frightened as to why he was smiling when there was nobody in this freaking party if it even was party.

"Come with me."he said gently taking my hand in his and leading me to the balcony and when we got there, there was a nicely decorated table with candles, flowers, and good food.

"Ever since I saw I knew you were the one. I couldn't stop thinking of you and when I realized you were in the same school as me, I knew god had answered my prayers. So with all this, my point is I really like you and if you give me a chance I can prove to you that I mean everything I'm saying."he said smiling

Slow tears fell down my cheeks. I didn't know how to answer him. He planned all this for me. He was sweet. But on the other hand I thought we were just friends. I loved and would always love Nick.

"Umm.....Chris......I'm very thankful about all this. I guess I should have told you sooner that I have a boyfriend. I'm really sorry. If I wasn't taken I promise you I would agree without even stopping for a moment. I'm really sorry."I said and immediately his smile vanished from his face and was replaced by sadness. I could tell he was hurt. He stood there painfully looking at me.

I couldn't strand to look at him like this so I stormed out of the room, ran out of the building and luckily found a cab then got in and went home.

I soon arrived and went in the house. I quickly ran into my room and collapsed on my bed crying. I cried for myself. I cried for him and I cried for Nick. I wish Nick was here with me. I needed him big time.

I got a text from Jessica.

hey girl, I miss you big time. I really need to talk to you.

I needed to talk to her too. I got up from the bed and turned on my computer then went on Skype and called Jessica. She soon answered.

"Hey girl,"she said. I could see she was crying though she tried her best to hide it.

"Oh Jessi what's wrong girl."I said

"Joe and I had a fight. And I mean a fight fight."she said sobbing

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked pushing my problem behind my head. She needed me right now and I was going to be there for her despite the distance between us.

"We'll there's this new girl in school and Mrs.Jones chose Joe to help her out and I've been friendly with her and so has Joe but he's taking the whole 'help her out' thing to a whole new level. He not only shows her around the school, he keeps on taking her out in the name of 'showing her around'. I talked to him and he got pissed. Maybe I overreacted but......I just don't get it. I'm afraid of loosing him." She said crying.

"Jessi don't give up. Try to talk to him tomorrow. Be calm when you talk to him. Don't run into conclusion. Maybe he thinks he's just being nice and he doesn't see that it sort of hurts you." I said

"Oh Amanda, what could I do without you. I will definitely do that.Now girl I know you real well and I know something is wrong with you too. What wrong." She said and with she reminded me about earlier tonight. I broke into tears.

"'s this guy from school. He planned a big surprise date for me and I couldn't because I'm with Nick. I hurt him real bad. I just don't know what to do Jess."I said crying

"Just like you told me. Just talk to him and make it right between you."she answered.

Thanks, I'm glad we're friends. If you weren't there I probably would have been in a worse state. I'll call you tomorrow."I said feeling better.

"Yep, bye."she said and I hung up.

I changed into my pajamas then went to bed. I felt way better. Jess had always been there for me. When we moved to LA she was the first friend I got. I loved her to the moon and back.

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