Sick Louis (no-one believes him)

Start from the beginning

When the interview was finally done, they had a little break before driving to the next interview.

"Louis, don't you dare to do that again! You know how annoying that was? You don't run away from an interview! That's so unprofessional!" Liam shouted.

"Yeah, we didn't know what to tell the interviewer. She asked where you went and we didn't know what to say." Niall added.

"Yes Louis, that wasn't very nice of you." Harry said.

"But... guys... I have diarrhoea, I can't help it, my stomach was hurting so I had to go..." Louis said sadly.

"LOUIS, PLEASE, JUST STOP IT!" Harry shouted.

Louis let his head hang down and walked away, to the car.

They did a couple more interviews that day. Louis ran off a couple more times during these interviews, which made the boys only more angry. When they were back in their tourbus after a long day, they didn't say a word to Louis. They were so mad.

Louis went to bed really early, without eating anything.

Louis was in his bunk, tossing and turning. The cramps got even worse. And he started to feel really nauseous as well. He sighed. He looked around and saw the other  boys had gone to bed as well. He slowly got up and went to the toilet. He took a bucket with him. When he was on the toilet, he had diarrhoea again and he had to throw up too. The cramps became unbearable. Damn...
And normally Harry was always there for him to comfort him when he was sick, but this time he didn't believe him, so he was on his own, which made it even worse.

After a little while he went back to bed, but an hour later he woke up again, and the process repeated itself. Again diarrhoea and throwing up. And after that, it happened five more times that night.

The next morning, Louis was feeling even worse. The pain was really really bad. He was sweating and his body was aching. The boys were awake already when Louis walked in. They seemed to be in a better mood.

"Morning Louis." Liam said.

"Morning Lou." Niall said as well.

"Yes, Lou, good morning. Sorry about yesterday, but you have to understand that you can't act that way. But come on, today is a new day, let's just forget about it." Harry said.

Louis nodded, but he started feeling dizzy and the cramps were there again.

"H... Haz.... s...stomach... h... hurts... I'm...d...dizzy..." Louis said and he started to fall. Harry jumped up and could catch Louis right on time. Louis looked at Harry with fear in his eyes and then passed out.

"Shit! Louis! Lou, hey, say something! Please!" Harry said, totally in panic.

"Crap! Guys... I guess he really was telling the truth yesterday." Liam said, directly feeling guilty for being so rude to Louis yesterday.

"I guess so..." Niall answered, feeling ashamed.

Louis was on the floor, not moving or reacting. Harry was stroking his hair and felt his forehead.

"Guys, get a thermometer, he is burning up! Shit guys, he really is sick!" Harry said.

Liam ran as fast as he could to grab the ear thermometer.

Harry took it from Liam and put it in Louis' ear.

"Oh crap guys, his fever is a 103.2 (39,5 °C)." Harry said.

"Oh no... and we were so rude to him." Niall said.

"Let's not worry about that now. Louis has to wake up or we need to call the ambulance." Liam said.

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