Ëthia: Chapter 34 ~Somehow~

Start from the beginning

I looked around the room frantically and couldn't find the Captain anywhere.

"Where is he?" I asked her as patiently as possible, "Where did your husband go?"

The mothers face instantly turned to rage and she spit on me, "I'll never tell you! You ruined my whole life!"

I looked at her like she was crazy, she was crazy, "What are you talking about?!"

She once again spit at me but this time I avoided it and slapped her across the face, "WHERE IS YOUR HUSBAND!" I yelled at her once more.

Felicity and Seviah were still in the main room keeping a watch while Dax and Ivan stood by the bedroom door.


Tears started pouring down her face and an ugly sob consumed her. She held her baby as if it was the only thing she had in her life, and something told me it was.

"What happened?" I asked with true sincerity.

Her crying slowed and she raised her head to look at me, "You happened. You escaped and they thought my husband did something! And now the emperor is missing! The real question is what did you do!"

The palace probably thought that the Captain helped me with every little thing, the escape, getting our bending, and getting here safely.

A thought entered into my head and instantly I knew that fate was working with us.

"Lets go!" I yelled at my friends and we rushed out the door and back outside.

"What's going on?" Dax questioned as he hopped on Jaroms bear.

A quick sharp pain shot in me and it only reminded me that Jarom wasn't here, he would've known what to do from the start.

I switched my focus from Dax and informed everyone of my new plan, "It's simple, the captain has been chased out of town, or will be shortly, and is leaving on his ship, we need to get to the shipyard quick, it's truly our last chance."

Felicity smiled, "Well, what are we waiting for?"

Felicity took off on her bird and the rest of us followed closely behind.

The air was a good temperature, not too cold and not too hot, the streets were empty and the only thing that accompanied us were the cottages the lined the road.

Eventually we reached the shipyard and frantically looked for the captain.

"Which one is his boat?" I asked, hoping that one of them would've spotted it.

"I don't see it!" Seviah yelled.

"It should be here," Ivan added in.

We rode our animals up and down the piers desperately trying to find the captain, or his ship, but it was clear that he wasn't here, he had left already.

"What are we going to do?" Dax asked getting off the bear.

"I'm not sure" I replied, "We need to get back to the main land, without the –"

"Out there!" Ivan yelled pointing towards the ocean.

Squinting my eyes I looked towards the ocean and tried to make out what Ivan was seeing.

The Water Princess: ËthiaWhere stories live. Discover now