Bad accident (Harry)

Start from the beginning

"Ehm... kings don't look for cakes. They just eat them!" Louis said.

"Lou...please boo, stop it now. The shop is almost going to close and we still have to take a lot of things." Harry said.

"Right. I almost forgot. I'm going to look for cake, can you get the rest of the stuff?" Louis asked.

"Sure. I'll see you at the check out." Harry said.

Both of them found everything they needed. They payed and started to walk home.

They were almost at the traffic lights.

"Look Louis, it's still green. We still can cross the road if we're fast." Harry said.

"No, we won't make it. It'll turn red soon." Louis replied.

"I'll make it." Harry said and he runs on the road. At that moment the light turns red and cars started to ride again. Harry didn't make it to the other side on time and a car grabs him. He flies up in the air and lands on the road. Louis, who hadn't crossed the road, saw everything happen. The car stopped and a man got out and kneeled down beside Harry. It took Louis a little while before he could react, he was shocked about what happened. As soon as he could move, he dropped the bags that he was holding and ran to his boyfriend. Blood was coming from Harry's head. Louis noticed Harry's leg was broken, the bone was visible. It was a very nasty break. Harry's elbow was bleeding as well. And he was unconscious. The driver of the car had already called the ambulance.

"Harry, love... shit! Shit! Do you hear me?" Louis asked. His breathing was heavy and his heart was racing. Harry didn't move. Louis put two fingers in Harry's neck to check for a heartbeat. Luckily he could feel Harry's heart was still beating. But his injuries... it didn't look too good.

Sirenes could be heard from far away. Not much later the ambulance arrived and the paramedics got out. They asked Louis to move a little bit so that they could do their job.

"Monitoring!" One of the paramedics screamed to another.

One of the others arrived with the monitor and connected it.

"He has a big gash on his head. Compress please!" The paramedic said.

The other paramedic came with the compress and put it on the gash on Harry's head.

"For as far as I can feel, he doesn't have a skull fracture. But his leg is broken and it will need surgery. Probably a broke elbow too. Okay, we have to go to the hospital now, I put a brace on his neck, arm and leg!" She shouted.

"All right. Parameters?" The other one asks.

"Stable. We have to go now. We're lifting the patient on the stretcher on my count. But be very careful for possible head trauma and internal bleeding. Okay, my count. 3,2,1 go." She said and they lifted Harry on the stretcher. One of the paramedics came to Louis and guided him into the ambulance as well, he was completely in shock. They had given him Temesta to calm down.

During the ride to the hospital, Harry woke up and he was in a lot of pain. They gave him an IV and made him sleep again.

One of the nurses who was with them in the ambulance, called to the hospital and told them to make the OR ready.

They arrived at the hospital. Harry was directly taken to make scans of his head. Louis had to go with a doctor as well to get examined, due to the shock.

"Louis, can you hear me?" The doctor asked.

Louis heard someone calling his name, but it came from far away.

"H...Harry? Harry?" He started to ask confused.

"I'm a doctor." The doctor said.

Then Louis remembered what happened.

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