"It's not going to work like this." Harry said as he knew some stairs were coming next. Harry picked Louis up and carried him to the bus. He laid him down on the couch they had.

"A doctor will be in in a couple of minutes." Somebody of their management said.

"I don't need a doctor... just some sleep." Louis said.

"You do need a doctor love. You passed out, you have to be examined." Harry said.

"Mmh. Okay." Louis said, not being happy about it.

Management had left to their own bus.

The boys heard a knock on the door. There was the doctor. She did her work.

"Well, Louis. Your blood pressure is very low. That's the reason you passed out. I advise you to eat something salty. That helps to raise your blood pressure back to a normal level. Also, I'm going to draw some blood now, because I'm suspecting anemia." She said.

When Louis heard she was going to draw some blood, Louis started to cry a little. He had always been scared of it. (That's so me. Lol)

"N...no please. I don't like it." Louis said.

Harry and the boys comforted him.

"I know you're scared boo... but we have to know what is wrong. You can squeeze my hand, okay?" Harry said.

"O-o-kay." Louis answered.

Louis took Harry's hand and squeezed it hard when the doctor inserted the needle. She took two tubes of blood and pulled the needle back out. Louis let go of Harry's hand.

"It wasn't that bad, you see?" Harry said.

Louis just nodded. He was so tired.

"That's it for now. I'm calling tomorrow with the results. I'll tell your management too, so they can decide what to do with the concerts. To be honest, I think that Louis won't be able to perform this week. But let's wait for the results first. Good night boys. Oh, Louis. If you have to go to the toilet at night, don't go on your own, wake someone, because it is possible you faint again." The doctor said and left.

"I'll get you a salted cracker." Niall said.

"And I'll get you some Sprite." Liam said.

"And I'll stay here with you boo." Harry said.

"Thanks lads. I appreciate it. I'm sorry about the concert..." Louis said sadly.

"Don't worry about it mate. Your health is more important." Niall said as he returned with a salted cracker.

"Yeah Lou. You scared us mate." Liam said as he helped Louis to drink his Sprite.

"How are you feeling now boo?" Harry asked.

"Like I've ran a marathon. I'm exhausted." Louis said.

"I'm going to put you in your bunk okay? Just rest love." Harry said.

"Lay with me please..." Louis asked.

"Of course love. I'm quite tired too." Harry answered.

"Yeah, we're off to bed too." Niall and Liam said.

Harry picked Louis up and changed his clothes. He put him into his bunk and went to lay next to him. In no time they were asleep.

The next day the boys were woken up around 10. There was a knock on the door. Liam, Harry and Niall went to open. Louis was still in bed, still feeling exhausted.

When they opened the door, someone of their management was there. They let him in.

"Guys... I got a call from the doctor. We're going to have to cancel all of the concerts for the next two weeks. Louis has Anemia and has to rest. He is going to feel very tired for a while and he has to eat a lot of food with Iron in it to regain his strenght. Since we're in the UK, you guys can choose wheter if you want to go home for two weeks or not." He said.

"Liam, Haz? What are you guys going to do?" Niall asked.

"I'm staying here with Lou. I don't think he feels like getting out of bed and on a plane." Harry said.

"Well... I'm very sorry lads, but I think I want to go home." Liam said.

"Me too actually." Niall said.

"Of course lads, take the opportunity. I'll manage with Louis. See you in two weeks guys." Harry said.

Niall and Liam left as well as the guy from management. Harry walked back to Louis' bunk. To his surprise Louis' was awake. Harry saw tears in his eyes.

"Hey boo... shh... it's okay. Don't cry." Harry comforted.

"I heard everything. Two weeks no concerts?" Louis asked sadly. He knew he had to rest, but performing was his passion.

"Yes love. I know. But you need to get better first. And I'm going to help you with that. I'll cook for you, you need a lot of iron." Harry said.

"Thanks love. You're so wonderful." Louis said. He was looking at Harry and you could read the love in his eyes.

"And so are you." Harry said.

In these two weeks, Louis slept a lot. Harry cooked for him everyday. When the two weeks had passed, Louis was as good as new and rocking the stage again.

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