Chapter 42

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Bri's POV:

I followed close behind them wondering about what I would soon be faced with.

"Do you know what's going on?" Louis asked coming up from behind me.

"No, but I think the Doctor does." I explained.

"Find out." he said back quickly.

"Trying." I muttered. I sped up to the Doctor.

"What's going on?!" I asked sternly. "Where did Niall and Sam go?"

"I said you'll find out!" He exclaimed. "Come on!"

He grabbed my hand and we started to run to the front of the city. We stopped just outside the gates and saw two people standing on the top of the watch wall.

"Is that . . .Sam and Niall?" I asked sounding very surprised.

"It is!" Liam exclaimed.

We watched them talk for a little and I was still wondering what the hell was going on.

Sam's POV:

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed looking down from the wall and seeing the whole city.

"Just like you." he said cheekily. I rolled my eyes and blushed at his comment.

"Wow, oh my god." he muttered to himself very shakily and nervous as his face became extremely red.

I knew something was up when he took the inhaler out of his pocket and took two huffs.

"What's happening?" I asked slowly.

He took another deep breath and reached his hand in a pocket.

"Sam, these past three years have been the best of my life. Even though I have been through some serious shit in the past month or so, you haven't abandoned me. It feels like yesterday I asked if you wanted to go bowling and we had our first date, but I still hope there's more to come." He said looking in my eyes the whole time.

What's happening?. . .

"And when we go on those next dates I want to be known to you as more than what I am now." he said eagerly.

Okay. . .

He pulled something from his pocket but his fist was clenched around it so I couldn't see. He slowly got down on a knee and the realization was enough to make me want to throw up in excitement.

"Samantha, will you marry me?"

He opened the small box and I saw the most beautifully crafted diamond ring ever. It sparked as the light from the sun reflected down on it.

I looked at his eyes and they were full of hope and love. The blue seemed deeper than usual but in a good way.

"I. . .I-I." I stopped and sighed loudly, frustrated at the fact my mouth wouldn't function. "Yes!" I shouted loudly and he stood up.

He pulled the ring from the box and slid it onto my finger. I smiled widely at him and he leaned in and kissed my passionately. When he pulled away he lifted me into the air and spun around.

Best. Day. Ever.

Bri's POV:

What the fuck just happened?

"Did he just. . .?" I asked.

"Yep." The Doctor said.

"Well we all knew it was gonna happen soon enough." Harry sighed.

"I just wish the little shit would've told me that he was doing it today." I said crossing my arms. "But I'm still happy for her."

"I'm surprised your not jumping around and squealing like all girls do." Louis said.

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