Chapter 15

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The Doctor's POV:

I sat in the console room scanning for human life forms on C520. After Kira was taken care of Brianna came to me telling me we need to find her mother. She wasn't going to say anything about it to Kira or the boys.

Once again the signal came back negative.

I ran it again, for the 5th time now.


I let out a sigh and shut off the monitor. If Brianna's mother was on the planet, she isn't alive.

I knew something as serious as this would end with some sort of tragedy. Brianna has been through enough recently to have to suffer with the death of her mother.

After Bri and I went in, Liam saw a Silurian carrying Kira out. He chased him and the Silurian went back into the underground building. The loud bang we heard was Liam taking the gun from Sam and shooting the Silurian. The building collapsed because the bullet shot through a pillar and caused it to fall down.

I need to talk to Bri. I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I walked in to see Bri, Kira, and Louis eating pancakes and talking.

"Daddy!" Kira yelled. She got down and ran over to me. I picked her up and hugged her. Louis was giving Bri a hard look.

"Hello Doctor." Bri smiled. "We just explained the TARDIS to Kira."

"Well good! I need to talk to you... alone." I told her.

"Sure." she said and got up.

I put Kira down and Bri walked out. I closed the kitchen door behind us. I really didn't want to tell her, but I had to.

"How's Kira, Bri?" I asked. She crossed her arms and seemed uninterested in the question.

"You only call me Bri when you're worrying about me. What is it?" She asked.

"I just scanned for living human life forms on C520." I told her. It was like I could see her heart drop inside her.

"And?" She asked, clearly worried. Her eyes asked Is she okay?

I shook my head. "No."

Tears rimmed her eyes, threatening to fall. "No, it's wrong. The scanner's wrong, shes alive." She said just above a whisper.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"She's dead." she stated blankly.

"I know. She was a good-" she cut me off.

"She's dead. She died alone, she died for me and I couldn't protect her." the tear streaked down her face.

I didn't realize it but Sam was behind Bri. Her expression was blank, she was sad but her world wasn't ending like Bri's.

I went to hug Bri but she backed away quickly, looking at me like I was to blame.

"Bri, its okay. It wasn't his fault." Sam said.

You could tell it startled Bri because of the fact that she didn't know Sam was even there.

"I-I know. Its just... excuse me." Bri muttered and walked down the hallway and into her room.

I had to talk to her. I walked to her door and knocked. She didn't answer so I just went in.

Bri was laying on her bed, holding a picture of her, her mother and her father in her arms. They were all so happy then.

I sat on the end of the bed.

"It's not your fault." I told her.

"I know. It's yours." she stated coldly.

"What?" I asked.

"It's your fault she's dead. You told me about Amy. How they took her baby and hurt her just to get to you. A trap the Doctor couldn't resist, that's what happened today. It was Deamon's Run all over again wasn't it? And now my child has been kidnapped, my mother killed. Wanna know why? Because you fly around in your little ship, pissing off every race in the galaxy! Both my parents are dead now, I'm cursed... No never mind, you're cursed! Death follows you around like a bad smell Doctor! You know I'm so stupid! I actually believed that you were safe, that I was safe around you. That Kira was safe around you! I let you in, Kira calls you daddy! Thanks for helping me get my daughter back. Now, I want you out of her life. Out of both our lives." she stated.

I couldn't believe what had just come out of her mouth. She had never been so angry and upset all at the same time. I had to help her.

"Brianna, I-"

"GET OUT!" she yelled.

I stood up and left. As I closed the door I could see her chuck a picture frame at the closing door. It shattered when it hit the wall. I took a quick glance down. It was her fathers letter.

How could I have let this happen? How could I be so careless with Kira? How could I just stand there and let her feel that pain alone?

How could I have been so stupid?

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