Chapter 14

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Third Person POV:

Everyone stood up.

"What?" the Doctor asked.

"The place is trashed, like they were dragged out." Brianna could barely say.

No one knew how to respond. Brianna was shaking and she had a fire in her that couldn't be put out.

The TARDIS phone was heard ringing from outside. Brianna dashed out and answered it.

"Who is this?" She asked coldly.

Hello Brianna, my name is Trayvos and we are going to come to terms.

"What kind of terms?" She asked

You will come back to C520 and you will bring the Doctor. Then maybe we will consider giving you back Kira and your mother.

"You have Kira?" she asked, everyone was standing around her now outside.


"I swear if you hurt one hair on her head, ill put a knife through your skull and watch your blood drain out."

All we want if for you two together. A simple trade. The Doctor for your daughter. What do you say?

"I'm coming." she told the caller and hung up the phone.

"Where do we need to go?" the Doctor asked.

"C520." Brianna told him, walking into the TARDIS with everyone following behind.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because somehow I pissed them off and for some reason they want you and they have Kira and my mother." She said to the Doctor.

The TARDIS landed on the planet almost immediately.

"Ill be right back." Brianna told everyone and started walking down a hallway.

They all left after she came back. Sam and Bri were in the back of the group.

"What were you doing?" Sam asked Bri.

Bri lifted her hand slightly out of her pocket revealing a gun.

"Brianna!" Sam protested in a whisper. "What are you going to do, just walk in there and start shooting people?!"

"They're not people, and if that's what it takes then yeah." Bri told her.

"We're here!" Harry yelled from the front of the line.

"Lets do this." Brianna whispered to herself.

They all stopped at the door.

"We need a plan." Zayn suggested.

"They want the Doctor, so him and I will go in." Brianna stated.

"And what if you guys get into trouble?" Louis asked.

"You'll know if we do." Bri told him. Only Sam knew what she meant.

"The rest of you wait out here unless something happens." The Doctor instructed.

Sam and the boys nodded.

"Geranimo." the Doctor whispered before walking in with Bri to the Silurian base.

Bri quickly slipped something into Sam's hand. Sam looked down to see it.

It was the gun.

"Bri no!" She whispered. But Bri slipped into the base before she could say anything else.

"What?" Niall asked Sam.

"That girl is gonna get herself killed." Sam sighed.

Bri's POV:

When Worlds Colide (One Direction and Doctor Who Fanfic.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt