Chapter 64

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Third Person's POV:

*in the TARDIS*

Niall stepped in front of Sam protectively. "No." he muttered while crossing his arms.

Sam growled behind him and Niall turned around in shock. Once he saw that Sam was challenging him he began to argue.

"I'm not letting them throw you in there so you can get torn to shreds!" he said to her.

"I'm pretty sure Sam can handle herself mate, she could kick all our asses." Liam said to Niall.

"Or bite them." Harry commented.

"Harry no one asked for your two cents." Niall said with quite a lot of attitude.

Harry put his hand up in defense. "I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now." he said in a girly voice.

"Shut the hell up." Zayn groaned.

"Anyways, back to business. Sam do you think you are capable of this mission?" the Doctor asked.

Sam did a cheerful bark indicating a yes.

"Well then, time to get Bri back." the Doctor said while running up to the console. He talked as he played around with it.

"I'm going to move the TARDIS away from the pack of wolves that surround us and we will release Sam. We will stay in this exact spot so Sam, when you get Bri just run here." the Doctor informed.

Once we landed the Doctor ran over and opened the door and Sam ran out. He closed and locked it behind her.

"Now, all we do is wait." the Doctor said sounding somewhat content with himself.

Bri's POV:

I woke up to water dripping on my forehead. I groaned as I opened my eyes. A dark figure loomed over me. I jumped and screamed slightly out of surprise and fear.

I shot up and saw the figure remove its hood. It was just Mule.

He looked scared at my reaction.

"Mule what are you doing?" I asked while catching my breath.

"Golden lady need operation." he said quietly.

"What operation?" I said while sitting up.

"Operation to save wolf-man." he said quietly.

I just now noticed two normal men in nurse clothes standing behind him.

The men walked around Mule and grabbed under my arms and lifted me up.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I thrashed around, trying to get them to release me.

They dragged me out of my cell and I noticed a hospital bed was in the hallway. One man grabbed under my arms and the other grabbed my ankles as they pulled me up and placed me on the bed. I kicked and screamed to fight them but they had the advantage.

Once they had me on the bed they put these cuff things on my wrists that were attached to the bed. I tried to sit up but the cuffs restrained me.

They started to wheel me down the hallway and out another door. This time we entered a room that looked like a modern day medical room. There were machines and a bunch of technology.

So this is where they keep it.

They wheeled the bed in and propped me so that the headboard was against the wall. I looked to my right to see another bed sitting there, waiting for me.

But this one was different.

It was tilted up toward the top to give the patient leverage to see what was going on. It was awfully short and I noticed that it had two panel like things at the end that were about two feet away from each other.

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