Chapter 51

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Bri's POV:

"What?" I asked.

"You remembered!" Louis yelled.

"No. . . I've always remembered that. Haven't I?" I asked.

"You never recognized me." he told me.

"But it just came back. . . Like I've had the memory for years." I told him.

"Well you haven't." he laughed slightly. "What else do you remember?"

"We were camping. . . No. No wait we were. . . We were running . . . and hiding." I told him slowly recalling it piece by piece.

"Do you remember why we were there?" he asked.

"We were hiding from someone." I told him.

Louis' POV:

She was finally remembering! I need to get her to remember!

"Yes, but do you know who we were hiding from?" I asked.

She was searching for something for a few moments but then she remembered. Her face dropped and she looked worried.

"No." she said quickly. "No. . . Why were we running from him?"

"You thought he was getting in the way of our relationship. He didn't like us together and you thought he shouldn't have the power to control us." I told her. "He snapped one day and he-"

"Slammed you up against the wall." she finished. "I remember it."

I was amazed that it was coming back like this but it seemed the more information I gave her, the more she would remember. I would tell her every single thing I know about her life if it meant she would remember me.

"But why did he do that?" I asked.

"Well um he got mad because he thought I was disrespecting you." I told her.

"Why would he think that?" She asked.

How do I tell her this?

"Wait- did we. . .?" She asked, afraid to say it. "Ohh. We did! I remember."

I could feel my cheeks burning up. She started laughing lightly.

"But wait. There's- there's someone else." She told me.

"Tyler." I stated.

"Yeah. I can remember that." she said but with a disgusted face.

"Do you remember anything else?" I asked.

"Not really right now." she said.

"I'm so happy you remember." I whispered as I placed my hand in her cheek.

She leaned in and kissed me. I know its only been a day or so but its felt like forever. I've missed her so much.

I know she only remembers a bit but I can already see her fading back into her normal self.

Bri's POV:

He smiled and pressed his forehead into mine.

"Will you go out on a date with me tonight?" he asked.

"Of course I will." I chuckled.

He smiled. "Good. Now I'm gonna go now and set everything up."

He got up and grabbed his coat and shoes and walked out of the house.

Suddenly the door swung open again.

"Oh, I'll pick you up around 6:00 and wear something nice!" he hollered in.

When Worlds Colide (One Direction and Doctor Who Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now