Chapter 16

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Bri's POV:

I pulled my suitcase from the closet in my room. I was done.

Tears fell from my eyes as I packed the clothing that I had kept in the TARDIS. I took down pictures from my walls. I took down all the framed pictures of the Doctor and I together. Every new place we went, I would take a picture of us together. The wall was filled. I laid them in a stack on the bed, I didn't want them. A few more tears escaped my eyes.

I wasn't a crier.

The door swung open.

"What the hell Bri?!" Sam yelled. She immediately stopped when she saw my puffy face.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Kira and I are leaving." I told her, shoving more clothes into my bag.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because the Doctor is dangerous, my mother is dead because of him. I'm not going to live a dangerous life anymore, I have people who need me. Plus Kira will be safer for it." I told her, not looking at her once.

"Look me in the face and tell me you believe the bull crap that just came out of your mouth." She scolded.

I stopped what I was doing and looked her right in the eye. "The Doctor is dangerous."

"This isn't about your mother anymore is it?" She asked.

"Just leave me alone." I mumbled.

"No, you tell me what's going on."

"I DONT KNOW!" I yelled. "I can't focus anymore, its driving me mad! I can't trust anyone anymore!"

"What about me?" she asked sounding hurt. "Can you not trust me anymore?"

"Sam, that's not what I mean." I told her, walking over and putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Why do you want to stop this?" she asked.

"I don't." I admitted. "But it's time to go home."

"This is home." She pleaded. "Since your dad died."

I cringed at the thought. Sam picked the letter from my father off the ground. She brought it over again and placed it on my suitcase.

"Read it again, then ill let you go." she whispered then walked out. I picked the letter up and read it again.

My dearest Brianna,

I have been informed of my fate, and a small portion of yours. I understand that the moment at the train station has changed your life and you will never be the same but trust me, you will carry on. I understand that this man in front of me is your father figure now, but I hope that I will always hold a special place in your heart. I know you are a very loving person, you always have been. The Doctor has told me that you do shut people out sometimes and that's okay. Just don't shut out the ones you love. Don't deny love either, because it will always find you one way or another. Trust me.

Forever and always, Dad

I held the letter to my chest. It still didn't change my mind. I folded it up and went to place it in my suitcase when another paper fell from it. I then realized that it was two pieces of paper and that they were just stuck together.

I lifted the paper up, it was the same as the other one but at the top it said:

19th birthday

I looked down at the text ready for whatever came next.

Dear Brianna,

If the Doctor will do as he said he would, you will be receiving this letter February 22nd 2012, your 19th birthday. I know its probably been tough with me gone, more so with the fact that you have a child. (Yes, he told me.) But you know that I love her no matter what, just as I'm sure your mother does. However with you growing fast, there will come a day when even your mother fails to live on this Earth. I never really got to talk to you about this being how young you were when I died. But you of all people know that we aren't invincible. I know that when your mother dies it will seem as you have no one to look after you. But your wrong. You have yourself and most importantly, you have the Doctor. He has sworn that he will never leave or abandon you. Please don't push him away. Think of it as myself living through him. I will guard and protect you as long as he will. Don't close yourself off, open yourself up. Be who you want to be and love who you want to love. Let him help you. I had always told you "We may die alone, but we live amongst men.", use this knowledge everyday. (and don't forget to give some to Kira!)

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