Chapter 3

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Bri's POV:

My eyes grew wide and I could feel a pit in my stomach.

Why was I nervous?

Sam smiled at me and went to answer the door. I quickly grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"What?!" she barked while whispering.

"I look like shit! Don't let him see me!" I whispered back.

"Oh, he won't care! He's heard about all the stupid stuff you've done, he practically knows you already

I'm sure he'll understand." she whispered and slipped out of my grasp.

She left the kitchen and walked into the other room and I could hear the door open.

"Hello love!" a Irish accent echoed through the apartment.

"Niall!" I heard Sam yelled.

Shit! I went to go to my room to lock myself away but I had to go through the room they were in to get to it.

"Well come on in!" Sam said excitedly.

I facepalmed and quickly and quietly closed the door to the kitchen and leaned against it.

I heard muffling and suddenly the door swung open and I slammed into the wall.

"What the hell....?" I heard Niall say.

I was on the ground and I saw a head peak out from around the door.


"Sam!" he yelled and I heard Sam tromp into the room.

She saw me on the ground and started laughing.

" *gasp* idiot!" She could barely manage to get out because she was laughing so hard.

"Shut up." I mumbled getting up.

"Uhhh who are you?" Niall asked.

"That's Bri." Sam said still laughing.

"Bri? Oh my gosh Bri! Hi, I've heard a lot of things about you!" he said looking at me like a puppy.

"I bet." I said trying to get out of the room.

"Now that I've been door smacked into the wall, I think I'll go now." I said and walked quickly out of the room.

I ran into my room and shut and locked the door. I looked at the clock 8:36. I have to be at work by 9:00 I'm gonna be late! I quickly got dressed in my work uniform and grabbed my keys and purse. I ran out and Sam and Niall were on the couch talking. It was now 8:50 I think I'm gonna be on time. I stopped rushing and grabbed my helmet. I got to the door when a voice stopped me.

"Why do you need that?" Niall asked me.

"Why do you care?" I asked.

Honestly I was a little pissed about him slamming me into the wall, even though it was unintentional.

"Brianna!" Sam scolded. She only used my full first name if I did something mean or cussed.

"Sorry." I sighed and walked out of the apartment.

I ran down the steps of the apartment building, still worrying I was gonna be late. I hoped on my navy blue motorcycle and put my helmet on. I heard someone panting behind me.

Niall... again.

"What?!" I asked over the roars of my bike with a slight attitude. I kicked off the gas so the sound stopped.

"Listen, I'm sorry for slamming you into a wall, I didn't know you were there. I think we got off on the wrong foot, I'd prefer that we start over... or something." he said.

"Sam made you come out here, didn't she?" I asked.

"Yeah." he laughed.

"I forgive you, sorry if I had an attitude it's just I'm late for work, I gotta go bye!" I said and quickly switched on the gas. As I rode away, I saw Niall going back into the complex. I looked at my watch 8:57. I'm gonna have to hurry.

I pulled into the parking lot and by the time I got to the doors of Target it was 9:01.

"Where were you?" I heard Dylan ask.

I rolled my eyes and turned to face him.

"I'm only 1 minute late." I said with a smile.

"Nope. You are 1 minute and 39 seconds late." he smiled standing there. He was so physically awkward.

"Sorry, family issues." I told him and started towards the employee lockers. But that wasn't enough to lose Dylan, nothing was.

"It has been hectic in here!" he exclaimed.

"It's been hectic for the only 1 minute and 39 seconds I haven't been here?" I asked with an attitude.

"Yes it has." he said proudly.

"So you missed me then?" I asked


"Down boy." I smirked.

"Miss Sanders, I did not mean it like that." he exclaimed getting all nervous.

"Oh shut up Dylan!" I barked.

"That is Mr. Monroe to you!" he scolded with his tiny voice.

"Whatever." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

After putting my stuff away I walked out into the store to go put some stuff on the shelfs. I looked at my phone that I was still allowed to carry and Sam had sent me a message.

Text Message: Sammy :p

S: Hey, after the concert we're all going to hang out, wanna come? Niall says he's got a friend he'd like to set you up with ;)

B: sure, but who is "we're all"?

S: Louis, Zayn, Harry, Liam, Niall and I.

B: are those other names suppose to mean anything to me?

S: you're kidding...

B: not really. Who are they?

S: the rest of the band Bri-tard!

B: oh cool, sure ill come. Who is Niall setting me up with, I wanna google him. :)

S: come and find out ;) wear something nice.

Oh god, what have I got myself into now?

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