Chapter 24

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Third Person's POV:

*At parallel Niall's Apartment*

Niall groaned as he rolled out if his bed, clearly still hungover from the night before. He rubbed his red eyes and looked at the clock. It was 1:00 in the afternoon. He looked over on his bed to see the girl from last night had left. Thank God. He thought, glad that there wouldn't have to be an awkward confrontation.

He got up and put on a hoodie and shorts. He knew his weekly delivery would be here soon. He walked into his bummed out living room to see a scattered pile of white powder on the glass coffee table. He took his credit card, which was also still sitting on the coffee table and swept the powder into a neat pile.

He had a small box that he swept it in then closed. He placed the box in a drawer on his nightstand, next to his bed in his room. He liked to keep it there in case of late night cravings.

A heavy pounding sounded on his door. He sighed and answered it. It was his dealer.

"I was wondering when you'd be 'round." he smirked.

"I have your delivery. Be thankful you got it, some bitch caught me at the train station and I had to run. I still had a few deliveries in my pockets and I remembered your name was on the list." Brianna told him while slapping the Heroin packet in his hand. Brianna came by every other day to give a two day supply. But the way he used it, she was surprised he didn't need a two day supply daily.

"I heard you had quite the time last night." She said looking into his apartment.

"Yeah, thankfully everyone left before I got up." he sighed while handing her the small stack of money with a rubber band around it.

"However, I rather if had you in there." he winked.

She rolled her eyes. He always tried to get her in his bed. It was harassment.

"I'm here to give you your dust, not my innocents." she snapped.

"Oh please, like there's any innocents left in there." he said leaning out of the doorway to get a good look at her bum.

"Piss off." she scoffed.

"Deonté told me about the abortion you got about 5 years ago." He said once she turned to leave.

He was always trying to get under her skin. He used anything he could get his hands on. He repulsed her.

"Stay out of it!" she directed sharply pointing a finger at him.

And without another word from either of them, she left.

Parallel Bri's POV:

I got in my small car and rolled up the tinted windows. I slammed my fist into the dashboard after I sat down.

I had the rest if the deliveries in my purse. Deonté will surely kill me this time. Maybe if I went back, my purse would still be there. I drove back and thankfully it was. I got out and picked it up and walked back to my car. I slammed it in the seat and looked for the list of people to hit up.

It wasn't there.

I pulled out my phone and called Tyler.


"I need the delivery list."

I already gave it to you.

"No you didn't, you must have forgot."

Whatever, come by and pick it up.

I then hung up. The reason I lied was because it's not a good idea to tell your boss that you lost the client list. If someone went through by bag and found the drugs, then the list with names and addresses, I would her in some serious shit. However if no one finds out I lost the list, then I don't get in trouble if the clients get arrested.

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