Chapter 48

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Bri's POV:

I opened my eyes quickly. The memory of what had happen haunted me. I shot up and gasped for air.

"Shh, its okay!" someone said from behind me.

I turned around and saw a guy about my age standing behind me.

"Who are you?!" I asked quickly and panicked.

"I-Im Liam." he said.

"Liam. . . Liam. . . Liam P- hold on. I remember! Liam P. am I right?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah you are!" he said excitedly.

"Wait, who are you?" I asked.

"I'm a friend of Sam's." he said. "And the P is for Payne."

I scrunched up my nose. "That sounds gruesome."

He smirked. "Not really."

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Well my house. But the boys always stay here." he explained.

"The boys?" I asked.

"Yeah! Me, Zayn, Louis, Harry, and Niall." he said.

"Oh, where's Sam?" I asked.

"She's out, but we're watching you since you had a little freak out earlier."

He seemed nice but how do I know I'm not in a pedophiles basement right now.

"I want to see Niall." I said.

"Ill go get him then." he said.

He walked out of the room and soon enough Niall walked in.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Just making sure I'm not in a child molesters basement." I said.

"Okay then. . . Anyways Louis wants to talk to you really badly." he said.

"So be it." I sighed as I stood up.

I realized I was in only a big t shirt and guys boxers.

"What the hell am I wearing?" I asked.

"Oh, well you got some blood on your clothes so I washed them and a bunch of guys stay here so that's all we have." he explained.

"And where the hell did my undergarments go?" I asked.

"Oh! In that closet." he said while pointing to a door.

"Why were they taken off me?" I asked.

"Well, Louis said you'd be more comfortable without them."

"Of course he did." I said as I walked to the closet.

"Send him in." I said as I grabbed my stuff from the closet.

I walked into the back room and began to put them on. I heard the door to the main room open and close.

"Bri?" Louis asked.

"Uh, just a minute." I hollered.

I was almost done when I heard the door creak open.

I turned around and Louis was in the room looking at me. I quickly threw on the shirt on the bed.

"Oh, um sorry." he said as he looked away awkwardly. "I thought you said to come in."

I just sat down on the bed and he just stood there staring at me.

"What?!" I asked.

"Nothing." he said quickly.

"No it's something, tell me." I pleaded.

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