Chapter 61

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Zayn's POV:

The pounding in my head continued as I walked into the console room. I can't believe I was so drunk that I passed out in the hallway!

I saw the Doctor standing next to the console, looking at something on the monitor.

"Hey Doctor." I said as I walked past him. I sat down in the white seat on the platform next to the console.

"How are you feeling Mr. Malik?" he asked without taking his eyes off the screen.

"I've been better, and you can call me Zayn." I told him. Why does he always do that?

"Have you taken anything?" he asked.

"Yes, Advil." I told him.

He nodded and kept watching the screen closely.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Calibrating the exhaust engines and the exterior shell." he explained.


"Sounds fun?" I said but more of like a question.

"It's quite the drag really." he scoffed.

I looked around he console and saw that he was the only one in here. I haven't seen anyone since last night.

"Where is everyone?" I asked while looking around.

"Wolf hunting." he said like it was no big deal.

"How long have they been gone?" I asked.

He shrugged. "About 10 minutes."

Suddenly the doors swung open. I looked and saw the boys all run in and collapse to the floor from lack of breath. They must've been running.

A few seconds later Sam came bolting in and started panting like crazy. The Doctor walked away from the console and next to me. He watched everyone and suddenly a sad look plastered itself on his face.

He whispered something. I could tell by the tone in his voice that everyone was meant to hear it, but his body couldn't process the words.

"Where's Bri?"

The boys heard him and they looked around.

"She was right behind us." Harry explained.

Louis looked very concerned and he shot up and ran out of the TARDIS to find her. He came bolting in seconds later, slamming the door behind him.

"The wolves. They're here!" Louis told the Doctor.

"Sam, find out where Bri is right now." the Doctor demanded in a strict yet desperate tone.

"She can't." Niall defended her.

"Can't?" the Doctor asked.

"Bri pulled out her earpiece after it started spazzing out." Liam told the Doctor.

The Doctor turned around and started harshly doing something to the console.

"We have to leave." he whispered.

"What?!" Louis gapped.

"We have to leave. This isn't meant to happen." the Doctor said.

"We can't just leave her!" Louis exclaimed.

"What do you suggest then?!" the Doctor said angrily. "If we don't leave, the wolves won't and they will terrorize the town! We can't let that happen because that is not how this goes down in history."

"I WON'T LEAVE HER!" Louis yelled.



The fighting was interrupted by something coming on over the intercom. It was someone. Someone crying.

The Doctor turned to the console and started doing something.

"What is it?" Liam asked.

The Doctor looked at the monitor then his face fell immediately.

"It's. . . Its Bri." he whispered.

"Bri?" I asked.

"When the earpiece broke. The transmitter must've snapped off, causing it to glitch. When she ripped the thing out of her ear the transmitter stayed in her ear. I left the TARDIS receivers on all open frequencies. Anyone can hear this. Wherever she is, this is what she's thinking." the Doctor explained.

We could hear her crying. I've never seen Bri cry before. I guess it's time to cross that off the list. It was a silent moment in the TARDIS. . . But then she started talking.

I don't know where I am.

It's dark.

It's cold.

Why am I here?

Louis put his head in his hands and the Doctor just stared at the floor while listening to her.

Don't worry Brianna. They'll find you. The Doctor will find you. He always does and he always will.

Louis will be there too. With Sam and the boys.

He'll be there. . .

The man you love.

Her self reassurance was sad to listen to.

I never have really thought about it but I do love him. As much as I have, I've never let myself admit it. . .

That ridiculous man.

I've loved him since the beginning. . .

God it seems so long ago. . .

I wouldn't dare admit it to anyone let alone myself. . .

Loving him is dangerous, like making yourself a target.

We all assumed she was talking about Louis. But it was staring to sound like maybe. . .

. . . She was talking about someone else?

Louis caught onto this as quickly as any of us and he started to look around in confusion.

He showed me things I never knew existed. He showed me a new life. New ways. New dreams.

Him with his fashion sense that could kill someone. . .

And how he'll be serious one moment but then acting like a child the next. . .

He's so old yet so young. . .

He's older then me, but it doesn't seem that way.

That man. . .

That ridiculous man. . .

Ever since the beginning, so long ago. . .

. . . I have loved him.

Louis knew- well he thought he knew- that Bri wasn't talking about him. . .

But the Doctor himself.

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