Chapter 36

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Bri's POV:

Tyler and I were now outside talking. I told Louis to take Kira to bed. The sun was starting to come up and I could see the look of annoyance and frustration on Tyler's face.

"So what is this then, huh? You pay a little girl come here and be all like "Are you my Daddy?" then what I fall for her and then you take everything again?" Tyler asked still not convinced that Kira was here and his.

"I was here with you for two months Tyler. The timings right, she's yours." I told him.

"Okay so you came back here for child support, yeah? Well your not getting it!" he exclaimed.

"I'm not here for a father figure for my kid. We were in a jam, we just needed somewhere to sleep." I explained.

"Yeah whatever."

"You know what, we're gonna go. We're gonna pack out stuff and go." I told him not wanting to continue this conversation further.

"Yeah go ahead walk way! Thats your specialty isn't it?" he asked critically.

I turned and started walking away towards the house when I heard him sigh.

"Hold on, wait. Im not going to kick this kid out onto the streets. You can stay another night if it helps." he told me.

"Thank you." I told him.

"Just don't steal anything." he said critically.

I walked in and up to Kira's room Louis was laying next to her on the bed, both of them asleep. I leaned against the doorway and watched them for a few moments until Kira stirred and woke both of them up. Louis stood up and walked to me.

"I need to talk to Kira." I whispered to him.

He simply nodded and walked back downstairs. I sat down on the bed, facing Kira. Its time she learned the truth.

"Uh, Kira I need to tell you somethin' monkey." I told her. She turned and looked at me.

"Uh, you know I never really had a dad." I started. She nodded softly. "When I was your age, it made me very angry." I said with tears starting to drip from my eyes.

"And I don't want that for you." I said.

"But, you always left. . ." Kira said sounding confused referring to the fact that she lived with my mom.

"Well with the situation I was in, I couldn't afford to have you living with me." I explained now calming my tears.

"Why haven't I ever met Tyler?" she asked.

"I wanted you all to myself. But I just want you to know that he never walked out on you." I told her. "And there's two sides to you, yeah? One is me, and one's your dad."

"Do you like Tyler?" Kira asked.

"Yeah, a long time ago I liked him very much." I told her.

"Is he my dad?" She asked.

"Yes, monkey. Tyler is your dad." I sighed. "And I want you to know that I'm here now, nothing bad is going to happen to you."

I looked out the window to see Louis and Tyler talking. Louis looked shocked and Tyler look somewhat concerned.

"Get some rest monkey." I told her after kissing her forehead.

I walked out of the room and into the sun room. Tyler walked away from Louis and headed into the shack where he worked. It surprises me how much I remember from being here on those summer breaks and endless weekends.

Tyler's parents bought this as a vacation house a few years before we started dating. We would come here any chance we could. Just the two of us.

Louis walked in and flung his jacket onto the sofa. I could see there was frustration in his eyes.

"You brought us here on purpose, didn't you?" He asked.

"I didn't know he was gonna be here Lou-"

"Bullocks. Absolute bullocks!" he cut me off.

"Lou, after yesterday. Stealing to feed Kira? We were in the area, I knew it was about time. Just let me patch things up with Ty, he's a good guy."

"I'm sure he is." He said angrily with tears brimming his eyes. "Resourceful, sweet, no wonder you brought us here."


"And you know what the worst part is? Sam told me. Yeah! She told me how you had no idea where he was or where he could possibly be. You knew! For five years you knew and you didn't say anything!" he yelled.

"You don't know the whole story." I said back angrily.

"Really?! Is it the one how you use to get waisted all the time and steal from innocent people!? I should've known! You brought us here and you broke so many laws so easily! I knew something was up! But I pushed it down because of who you are now." he said quickly.

"Whatever Lou."

"Yeah! Whatever!" He yelled. After a few moments he calmed down. "I just wanna know why."

"Why I brought us here?" I asked.

"Yea, why you lied deliberately and brought us to the father of your daughter's house!" he yelled.

"Because I never had a dad!" I screamed. I watched his expression drop in realization. "And I'm not exactly lining up to do that to Kira! I brought us here because I don't want Kira to grow up like I did! I don't want her to make the mistakes I did and become the person I have!"

"You're right, you're absolutely right. She just met her father you can't yank her away." he said letting a couple tears fall. "I just don't know who you were and that frightens me."

"You really don't want to know." I whispered. "It's just for once I think Kira could use something. . . Something nourishing."

"I just feel a little. . . Ya know, intimidated by him." Louis confessed.

"I know, and I'm sorry for making you come here. But Kira needs this."

"I know, just think it over and make sure you're making the right choice." Louis told me.

"I am, I've been thinking about this for a long time now."

We were silent for a while as we were letting the tension in the air clear.

"Okay, I'm gonna go shower. Wanna join me?" he winked.

"Not with Kira and Tyler here." I told him. "I don't think Tyler would appreciate that very much."

"Whatever you say, your loss." he walked away smiling.

Time to patch things up with Tyler.

When Worlds Colide (One Direction and Doctor Who Fanfic.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant